The Science and Technology

The Science and Technology park is an independent structural unit of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov.
The purpose of the Science and Technology Park: Conducting scientific research in healthcare, development and implementation of innovative medical technologies and their commercialization.

Objectives of the Science and Technology Park:

  • Development of innovative activities in healthcare: development, scientific substantiation and implementation of innovative diagnostic and treatment technologies in experimental conditions, introduction of progressive forms of work, new methods and research with high analytical accuracy and diagnostic reliability.
  • Creation on the basis of the Technopark of a centralized modern, high-tech material and technical base for educational and research processes in accordance with Kazakh and international standards and modern directions of scientific research of the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the latest achievements of medical science and technology.
  • Creation of the necessary conditions for the development of the scientific potential of the University, as well as research activities using the material and technical base and human resources of the institute.
  • Creating the necessary conditions for practice-oriented training of students through the active involvement of students and teachers in real research and production processes.
  • Providing assistance in cooperation with scientific departments of universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and foreign countries in order to exchange experience and conduct joint scientific research.
  • Increasing the scientific and pedagogical potential of scientists, teachers and specialists through their active involvement in the implementation of scientific and technical programs at various levels.
  • Promoting the commercialization of scientific research results, helping scientists and startups transform ideas into innovative products and services.
  • Promoting technology transfer between University and industry by encouraging innovation and stimulating economic development.
  • Attracting additional financial resources by organizing the University’s participation in national and international competitions for scientific grants.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the quality management system, the University’s quality policy, and other internal regulatory documents of the University in the field of quality.
  • Compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption management system, anti-corruption policy, internal regulations and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in terms of anti-corruption.

Organizational structure of the Science and Technology Park

Head of the Science and Technology Park

Fakhradiev Ildar R

Contact: 8(727)338-70-73 (ext.73-88)

Deputy Head of the Science and Technology Park

Ibrayeva Anel Sh

Contact: 8(727)338-70-73 (ext.77-13)