The Council of Young Scientists

The Council of Young Scientists (CYS) at the Kazakh National Medical University (KazNMU) was established on behalf of the rector and is part of the science department of KazNMU. The activity of the CYS is aimed at promoting and developing the creative scientific activity of young scientists of KazNMU, through participation in research and innovation activities.

The work of the CYS at the KazNMU is carried out according to the approved CYS work plan. The members of the CYS serve as advisors, are the heads of Research and Development, under whose leadership students’ reports are prepared for the annual scientific student Republican and international conferences. Young scientists actively participate in the career guidance work of the university.

Main goal

The objectives of CYS are to activate the professional growth of young scientists, to unite their efforts to develop topical scientific problems and solve priority scientific tasks, to develop innovative activities of young scientists.

To achieve these goals, CYS carries out the following activities:

  • coordinates the activities of CYS faculties of KazNMU in the organization of scientific research of young scientists, plans and provides the necessary assistance in organizing conferences, scientific trips of young scientists;
  • organizes and conducts scientific conferences, seminars, round tables, exhibitions, forums, and other events in which young scientists could take part;
  • promotes the development of direct contacts between young scientists for the organization of interdisciplinary complex scientific research by young scientists aimed at solving urgent and practically significant tasks of modern science;
  • carries out work on informing young scientists about scientific research and events held by Kazakhstani and foreign organizations;
  • supports and stimulates the innovative activity of young scientists, organizes and carries out activities related to investment programs and project proposals of young scientists;
  • carries out other types of activities that correspond to the set goals and do not contradict the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists – Mukhtar Kulimbet.
Email: [email protected]