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In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 6 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, technical solutions that are protected as inventions can relate to any field and relate to the following aspects: product (for example, device, substance, microorganism strain, plant or animal cell culture), method (process performing actions on material objects using material means), as well as using known products or methods for new purposes or a new product for certain purposes.
Legal protection for an invention is provided if it is new, has an inventive step and is industrially applicable (Data from NIoIP «KazPatent»).

According to the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan (clause 3 of Article 6), the following are not recognized as inventions:

  1. discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;
  2. methods of organization and management of the economy;
  3. symbols, schedules, rules;
  4. rules and methods for performing mental operations and playing games;
  5. computer programs and algorithms as such;
  6. projects and layout plans for structures, buildings, territories;
  7. proposals relating only to the appearance of products;
  8. proposals contrary to public order, principles of humanity and morality.

Additionally, the following are not recognized as inventions:

1) methods of human cloning and his clone;
2) methods of changing the genetic integrity of human germline cells;
3) use of human embryos for commercial, military and industrial purposes.
You can familiarize yourself with legal documents in the field of intellectual property at the link:
You can view the progress of obtaining a patent for an invention at the following link:

Utility models:

In accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, utility models cover technical solutions in any field related to products (devices, substances, strains of microorganisms, plant or animal cell cultures), methods (processes of performing actions on material objects using material means ), as well as the use of known products or methods for new purposes or new products for specific purposes, with the exception of therapeutic and surgical methods for the treatment of humans or animals. A utility model is granted legal protection if it is new and industrially applicable. The compliance of the declared utility model with the patentability conditions established by paragraph 1 of Article 7 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan is not verified. A patent is issued at the risk and responsibility of the applicant (Data from NIoIP «KazPatent»).

It should be noted that paragraph 3 of Article 7 (Clause 3 of Article 6) of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan provides a list of objects that are not recognized as utility models:

  1. discoveries, scientific theories and mathematical methods;
  2. methods of organization and management of the economy;
  3. symbols, schedules, rules;
  4. rules and methods for performing mental operations and playing games;
  5. computer programs and algorithms as such;
  6. projects and layout plans for structures, buildings, territories;
  7. proposals relating only to the appearance of products;
  8. proposals contrary to public order, principles of humanity and morality.

In addition, according to paragraph 3-1 of Article 6 of the Patent Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan, patents are not issued for:

1) methods of human cloning and his clone;
2) methods of changing the genetic integrity of human germline cells;
3) use of human embryos for commercial, military and industrial purposes.
You can familiarize yourself with legal documents in the field of intellectual property by following the link:
You can get acquainted with the progress of obtaining a patent for a utility model at the link:


Copyright includes the personal non-property and property rights of the author. It, as well as related rights, protect the interests of authors, artists, musicians, performers, broadcasters and other creators in relation to their literary or artistic works.

Copyright extends to both published (published, published, published, publicly performed, publicly displayed) and unpublished works that exist in any objective form:

  • written (manuscript, typescript, musical notation, etc.);
  • oral (public utterance, public performance, etc.);
  • sound or video recording (mechanical, digital, magnetic, optical, etc.);
  • images (drawing, sketch, painting, plan, drawing, film, television, video or photograph, etc.);
  • volumetric-spatial (sculpture, model, layout, structure, etc.);
  • other forms.

Patent specialist – Fazylov Timur
Email: [email protected]