HR Council

The purpose of creating the Personnel Council is to facilitate the effective work of the Academic Council in resolving issues within its competence:

The main tasks of the Personnel Council are preliminary consideration of issues presented at the meeting of the Academic Council, including analysis of the current situation, development of proposals, recommendations and specific activities, preparation of draft decisions of the Academic Council indicating the deadlines for the implementation of decisions and persons responsible for the implementation of decisions.

The HR Council as part of the implementation of the tasks:

  • Considers issues of implementation of KazNMU personnel policy;
  • Decides on employee certification and reporting;
  • Makes decisions on nominating employees for state and departmental awards;
  • Decides to award employees with University awards;
  • Recommends to the Academic Council to award the honorary title of Honorary Professor of KazNMU;
  • Decides on nominating candidates for participation in the competition “Best University Teacher”, etc.;
  • Makes decisions on sending university employees for training, internships and other advanced training courses abroad;
  • Other issues within the competence of the Personnel Council by separate decisions of the Academic Council.

Executive Director, Chairman of the HR Council: Lakhov S.V.

Vice-Rector, Deputy Chairman of the Personnel Council: Datkhaev U.M.

Head of Personnel Development Department, Secretary of the Personnel Council: Ashirbayeva Sh.M.

Members of the HR Council:

Full name Job title
1. Kalmatayeva Zh.A. Vice-Rector
2. Davletov K.K. Vice-Rector
3. Sultangaziyeva S.E. Vice-Rector
4. Devyatko V.N. Member of the Council of Elders (as agreed)
5. Altynbekov S.A. Chairman of the NGO “Local Trade Union of Workers of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov”

(by agreement)

6. Nurakhmetuly I. Head of the Department of Economics and Planning – Deputy Financial Director
7. Nagasbekova B.S. Head of Human Resources Development Department
8. Shopayeva G.A. Dean of the School of General Medicine -2