Scientific and Educational Center “Neurology and Applied Neuroscience”

Scientific and Educational Center “Neurology and Applied Neuroscience” (SEC NAN) – is directly subordinate to the Research Institute of Fundamental and Applied Medicine named after. B.A. Atchabarov (Atchabarov RI FAM) of the University, which is directly subordinate to the Scientific and Technological Park of the University.

The main goal of SEC NAN is:

  • Сonducting fundamental and applied scientific research in the field of neurology and neurosciences aimed at preserving and strengthening human health, developing healthcare and medical science, and providing medical care;
  • Training of highly qualified scientific and medical personnel in order to improve the quality of the educational process; effective use of scientific, clinical and information resources for training specialists in the field of clinical neurology and applied neurosciences.

The objectives of the REC NPN are:

  • Conducting fundamental and (or) applied research in the field of clinical neurology and neuroscience;
  • Analysis of socially conditioned and socially significant risk factors for the development of neurological diseases, scientific analysis and development of forms of effective neurological assistance to the population, introduction of modern forms of analysis of scientific research data;
  • Assistance in training highly qualified scientific personnel and specialists based on close integration of education, clinic and science;
  • Ensuring the growth of qualifications and professional level of the staff of the Scientific Research Center for Scientific Research and Development and the University;
  • Coordination of research in the field of neurology and neuroscience at the University;
  • Attracting students, residents, undergraduates, doctoral students to scientific research;
  • Development of scientific cooperation with departments of the University and other institutions, including foreign ones;
  • Development of international cooperation in the main areas of neuroscience and applied neuroscience;
  • Integration into the international academic and scientific community based on the internationalization of activities in the areas of science, education, clinic and management. Conducting joint research projects with leading international universities;
  • Strengthening the position of NJSC “KazNMU” as a research university through accelerated translation of the results of research activities into clinical practice and the educational process;
  • Organizational provision of legal protection of intellectual property and copyrights of employees;
  • Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in neurological specialties;
  • Training and advanced training of medical personnel in neurological specialties;
  • Providing specialized, including high-tech medical care to neurological patients;
  • Providing advisory and methodological assistance to doctors of practical healthcare institutions in the prevention, treatment and rehabilitation of neurological patients.

Head of the SEC NAN

Aida Kondybayeva, MD, PhD, FEAN