August 2021 - Блог ректора КазНМУ имени С.Д.Асфендиярова :: Блог ректора КазНМУ имени С.Д.Асфендиярова

Архив за August, 2021


12 Aug 2021  |  Опубликовано в Вопросы-ответы


To convert I and a group of my friends have submitted requests for transfer for almost a month to an employee, but she does not hear us and does not even respond to our letters and when we sent someone to submit paper to her, she asked him for a bribe. When I sent her messages via whatsapp. She read messages without answering, and when someone goes to them, she asks him to bribe their high value in all frankly and rude. You sent I’ll also send you this employee’s number. 0077012778505 Are you analyzed before the conversion time ends? PLEAS HELP Mr. President of the University, thank you for your help and I hope you will solve my problem as soon as possible. Thank you very much for hearing all of us and I hope you will receive the message and be a really strong response.



To reply on your message NCJSC Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University informs you that due to the absence of any messages, requests to the official website or email address of the University from you, as well as unrelated messages to the employee’s number your accusations are considered unfounded. Furthermore, any accusations must be substantiated and documented. In case of unconfirmed imputation the University has the right to take legal action.