University Rating

According to the results of the National ranking of the best universities of Kazakhstan -2019, conducted by the Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education (IQAA), Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov took the first place in the institutional ranking in the category of medical universities.


In the ranking of websites of Kazakhstani universities, the website of KazNMU ranked 10th among 116 universities of Kazakhstan.

For certain indicators of the National Rating, KazNMU received the following nominations:

  • Leader in reputational assessment of experts;
  • Leader in employers’ reputational assessment;
  • Leader in internationalization.


Independent Agency for Quality Assurance in Education,

National ranking of demand for universities in Kazakhstan — 2019

KazNMU after Asfendiyarov is in the top 20 universities on demand in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the National Rating KazNMU takes the 6th place.

IAAR 2019 National Rating



Bachelor programs

Code Title of Program Place
5B110400 Medical and preventive care 1
5B130200 Dentistry 1
5B110200 Public Health 2
5B110300 Pharmacy 2
5B130100 General Medicine 2
5B110100 Nursing 3
5B050700 Management 18


Master programs

Code Title of Program Place
6M110300 Nursing 1
6M110400 Pharmacy 1
6M110100 Medicine 2
6M110200 Public Health 2
6M110500 Medical and preventive care 2
6M050700 Management 14


Doctoral programs

Code Title of Program Place
6D110100 Medicine 1
6D110200 Public Health 1
6D110400 Pharmacy 1


KazNMU faculty member Davletov Kairat took the 8th place in the General rating of the faculty staff of universities — 2019.