KazNMU named fater S.D. Asfendiyarov
The school of pedagogical skills named after H.S. Nassybulina is an independent educational-scientific structural division of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov based on the decision of Academic council (protocol #7 from March 2, 2011) and order of the rector of KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarova #1414 from July 22, 2011. The school is related to «The Institute of university development» in accordance with the organizational structure of the University approved by the Academic Council (protocol #11 from July 2, 2013). The objectives of the School includes activities to improve the teaching skills of the teaching staff, mastering of innovative teaching technologies, training of personnel reserve. In this direction the The school is taking steps to build and further development of personal and professional skills among staff reserve who have a high creative potential, as well as promising young employees who need training, encouragement and motivation to develop and enhance the creative potential.
Ensuring the effectiveness of teaching and learning at all levels of medical and pharmaceutical education through the introduction of a competency model of teachers and innovative educational technologies to achieve excellence and leadership of teachers, development of partnership and cooperation, research with internationally recognized centers of medical education.
The center for pedagogical skills in medical education works effectively at the regional and international levels for the implementation of an innovative teacher training programs and research that provide the implementation of the principles of best practice to improve the quality of medical education and medical care to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Creating and sustaining the development of the Center for Integration and continuous professional development of teachers in higher education as a teacher of medicine who can prepare highly qualified health professionals.
q Implementation of the Program for the Study of of English in the context of (medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, public health, health education)
q The selection of teachers with a high level of English and preparing them for the IELTS exam
q Drawing up of the schedule of capacity building for an academic year in accordance with their needs (including the involvement of international experts in medical education)
q Formation of the plan to increase the capacity of teachers abroad for an academic year taking account of priorities (training in centers of medical education of international partner universities, participation in the international conferences of associations and networks in medical education).
q Creation of a regulatory framework and the formation of the state (position, job descriptions, staffing)
q Training of employees and teachers of the school of pedagogical skills with the assistance of international experts in medical education
q Teaching and training in the centers of medical education of leading universities
q Teaching programs for Magistracy and PhD in medical education abroad
q Realization of the program of cooperation and partnership with the international associations and organizations for medical and pharmaceutical education in the framework of the Memorandum of Cooperation
q Joint research / projects and the publication of their results in peer-reviewed journals for medical education
q Creation of depositary educational resources recommended by international associations for medical education
q Creation of depositary of peer-reviewed educational resources of medical universities of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the CIS
q Creation of a network (Net-working) between the centers of medical education and medical universities of Kazakhstan and the participation in the international networks in the field of medical education
q Creating of web-siteand maintenance Links to international associations and networks
The program of development of core competences of teachers
Basic principles
Teachers:teacher-intern, teacher-assistant, seniorteacher, teacher-clinician, Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department, Head of the module, Teachers of Center of practical skills, Teachers of Center of communication skills namedafterD. Drapper, Master students, PhD doctoral students, residents, University administration — administrative leadership, deans, directors of educational departments, the Chairmen of the Committees on educational programs, Programmanagers of internship and residence
Personnel of the school of pedagogical skills named after H.S. Nassybulina
— YusupovRustamRahimovich – Candidate of Medical Sciences, docent, director,
Tel. 338-70-85, internal no. 7025,
e-mail: [email protected]
— ShopalovaAidanaYerkinkyzy – methodist, tel. 338-70-90, internalno.7237
— MukhamedzhanovaAidanaAkylbaevna — expert, tel. 338-70-90, internal no. 7238
School allocation
Teaching building #1, Intro1
Cabinet#11 – direcor,
Cabinet #13 – methodists,
Cabinets #14, #16, #20 cabinets for lessons,
Cabinet #18 – computing cabinet.