The Legal Department is an independent structural unit of the University. The structure of the UD includes:
- Office of Legal Support;
- Management of claims and claim work.
The operational management of the current activities of the legal entity is carried out by the head.
The coordination of the activities of the University is carried out by the Executive Director of the University.
In its activities, the LD is guided by:
- legislative and other normative legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan, international standards related to the sphere of activity of the Legal entity;
- The Charter of the University;
- collective agreement;
- internal labor regulations;
- Internal educational regulations;
- international standard ISO 9001:2015, approved documents of the quality management system (University quality policy and objectives, quality guidelines, documented quality procedures, etc.);
- the international standard ISO 37001, the anti-corruption policy, the anti-corruption standard of the University and the requirements of other internal regulatory documents of the University on combating corruption;
- decisions of the Board of Directors, the University Board, the Academic Council;
- the Code of Honor of teaching staff and employees of KazNMU;
- orders and orders of the top management of the University and the superior head;
- other internal regulatory documents of the University (regulations, instructions, rules, standards, etc.).
Goals And Objectives Of The Department’s Activities
- The main purpose of the Law Enforcement Department is to ensure compliance with the rule of law in the activities of the University.
The tasks of the Legal Department are:
- coordination of the work of the structural units included in the CODE;
- compliance by the University with the requirements of the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- compliance with established procedures and authorities in making any decision affecting the interests of the University;
- making timely and effective decisions aimed at eliminating deficiencies and violations in the University’s activities;
- protection of property and other legitimate interests by legal means; compliance with the requirements of the quality management system, the University’s quality policy, and other internal regulatory documents of the University in the field of quality.
- compliance with the requirements of the anti-corruption management system, anti-corruption policy, internal regulatory documents and legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan regarding anti-corruption.
The tasks of the Legal Support Department are:
- clarification of current legislation;
- participation in the preparation of draft orders, orders, decisions, contracts and other legal documents;
- providing legal support for the University’s activities;
- legal expertise of the regulations, instructions and other internal regulatory documents prepared by the structural units of the University;
- providing legal assistance to University departments, advising University employees on legal issues;
- participation together with other departments of the University in the development and implementation of measures to strengthen contractual, financial and labor discipline;
- informing, clarifying within the competence of the University staff about the current legislation.
- organization of work on the study by officials of regulatory legal acts related to their activities;
- coordination of the provisions of structural divisions and job descriptions of University employees;
The tasks of the Claim Management are:
- representing the interests of the University during the settlement of a legal dispute, in courts of various instances and other state bodies;
- settlement of conflict situations with contractors, partners and consumers of services provided by the University;
- ensuring compliance of public procurement contracts with the requirements of legislation, the application of measures of influence in case of non-fulfillment and improper fulfillment of obligations under these contracts;
- organization of an analysis of the state of claim work, judicial practice in disputes involving the University in order to identify the main causes and conditions that led to the relevant trial and make proposals to eliminate them and bring to justice the guilty officials;
- taking measures to appeal judicial acts adopted against the University, taking measures to enforce judicial acts that have entered into force concerning the interests of the University, interacting with bailiffs, carrying out enforcement procedures.
Functions performed by the LD:
- timely implementation of Strategic Directions and the University’s Development Program within the scope of its activities and provision of information on their implementation, including strategic indicators, upon request to the Department of Strategic Planning and International Activities;
- representing the interests of the University on supervised issues before government agencies, as well as state and non-governmental organizations;
- coordination of the work of accountable structural units and the University as a whole on issues within its competence;
- providing methodological assistance to the structural units of the University on issues within the competence;
- participation in the preparation of proposals on the need for changes or cancellation of procedures, instructions and other internal documentation approved (approved) at the University and its structural divisions;
- assistance in the implementation of measures to improve the University’s quality management system (timely elimination of comments, implementation of recommendations of external/internal audits, etc.);
- maintaining the process of informing the University management about potential or existing violations of the anti-corruption policy, conflict of interest resolution rules, corruption risks or incidents, and the requirements of other internal anti-corruption regulatory documents of the University;
- other functions not reflected in this document, but included in the area of competence of the Law School and defined by internal regulatory documents of the University.
Functions performed by the Office of Legal Support:
- legal expertise for compliance with the requirements of legislation of draft orders, contracts, instructions, letters and other legal documents, giving opinions on the legal procedure for authorization;
- providing explanations on legal issues upon request and sending information materials on current legislation, the practice of their application to interested parties, consultations of University staff on legal issues;
- preparation of materials for the University management in accordance with the current legislation;
- implementation of legal registration of materials prepared by the relevant services (audit, accounting, financial, etc.) on embezzlement, mercenary abuses, shortages and other offenses for their transfer to investigative and judicial authorities;
- participation in the development of legal documents and local acts of the University, in the development and conclusion of a collective agreement, in the implementation of measures to strengthen labor discipline.
- other functions not reflected in this document, but included in the area of competence of the Office of Legal Support and defined by internal regulatory documents of the University.
Functions performed by the Office of Claim Management:
- representation of the University’s interests in court, as well as in other state bodies and organizations, in accordance with the established procedure;
- implementation of methodological guidance on claims work, analysis of the status of work on the presentation and consideration of claims and judicial practice, providing management with proposals to address the identified shortcomings;
- organization and conduct of claim and claim work;
- participation in the work on the conclusion of agreements (contracts), coordination of contracts for the purchase of goods, works, services for the University.
- other functions not reflected in this document, but included in the area of competence of the Management of claims and claim work and defined by internal regulatory documents of the University.