Seminar for heads structural division, directors of UD, deans of faculties!



Seminar for heads structural division, directors of UD, deans of faculties!

On March 19-20, 2015 from 14.00. till 18.00 o’clock the School of Pedagogical Skill of H.S.Nasybullinoy together with department of Quality Management System holds a seminar for heads structural division, directors of Educational Department, deans of faculties on a subject: «»Internal audit of quality management system on compliance to requirements of International Standards of ISO 9001:2008. Process approach».

Responsible for the organization and holding a seminar – School of Pedagogical Skill of H.S.Nasybullinoy. (The order No. 194 from 17.03.2015g.)

Venue: School of Pedogogical Skill of H.S.Nasybullinoy, a conference hall No. 14