From 2008 the KazNMU Public relations department started to work as a basic informational portal of the University. The main function of this department – arranging constructive interaction with Mass Media of public communication, creation of informational cause and its realization in public space, formation of unity, successive, system and whole informational policy, coordination and organization of relation of KazNMU staff with Mass Media and also arranging intercorporational positive connection between all participants of university society: teachers, scientific employees, representatives of practice medicine, other works and students.
The activity of the department is directed on improving image model of the university, increasing of reputation, a prestige of high school on scientific, educational and medical society for further development and capitalization brend among potential and requirements of educational, scientific and medical services.
Every month the university “Shipager” newspaper is published. The basic tasks of the newspaper are: providing with informational education, sciences and university system of public health. It’s for open dialogue of students with teachers and university leaders and where interviews on problematic themes, official speeches, medical education news, critical notes, congratulations and other materials about events at KazNMU are published.