Professor György Báthori


From June 27 to July 1 KazNMU there will be lectures by professor György Báthori, PhD, MD, head of the Applied Research Laboratory, «Nano» Research and Education Center Semmelweis University, Budapest (Budapest, Hungary).

Program by Dr. György Báthori:

1st lecture

Significance of the mitochondria and the endosymbiotic origin of mitochondria

2 hours. Audience general: Students, Faculty, Academic stuff

Same day seminar on mitochondria lecture for focus groups, who has questions (Faculty, Academic Stuff)

2nd lecture

Apoptosis, participation of mitochondria in apoptosis

2 hours. Audience general: Students, Faculty, Academic stuff

Same day seminar on mitochondria lecture for focus groups, who has questions (Faculty, Academic Stuff)

3rd lecture

Multidrug transporter proteins – pharmacology aspects

2 hours. Audience general: Students, Faculty, Academic stuff

Same day seminar on mitochondria lecture for focus groups, who has questions (Faculty, Academic Stuff)

4th lecture

Liposomes and targeted drug delivery in cancer therapy

2 hours. Audience general: Students, Faculty, Academic stuff

Same day seminar on mitochondria lecture for focus groups, who has questions (Faculty, Academic Stuff)

5th lecture

Project management in pharmaindustry – drug development from the laboratory bench to the bedside

2 hours. Audience general: Students, Faculty, Academic stuff

Same day seminar on mitochondria lecture for focus groups, who has questions (Faculty, Academic Stuff)

Dr. György Báthori is the head of the Applied Liposome Research Laboratory in the Nanomedicine Research and Education Center at Semmelweis University Budapest. His previous biotech positions were in the SeroScience Ltd. and Solvo Biotechnology. Dr. Báthori’s background spans from fields of academic science (biophysics, medical physiology) through preclinical pharmaceutical research to small business development. His broad range of experience includes informatics, design of experiments (DOE) and other statistical methods, small business six sigma project management, in vitro ADME/Tox screening, assay development, mitochondrial biochemistry and physiology, immunotoxicology of nanodrugs, liposomal biophysics and liposomal drug development. His current focus is to manage the ongoing transition of the Nanomedicine Center, the SeroScience Ltd. and our manufacturing facility from alliance into one virtual company.

Dr. Báthori graduated as medical doctor at the Semmelweis University where he worked as assistant professor for many years. He has eighteen publications in high impact factor journals and one patent.

Contact details

Address: Nanomedicine Research and Education Center

H-1089 Budapest, Nagyváradtér 4, Hungary

Official e-mail box: [email protected] Mobile phone number+36 20 825 9227

Official web site: