Press Release
Round table: «Problems and prospects of public health in Kazakhstan. Competence approach in the preparation of health care managers »
Organizers: School of Public Health. H. Dosmukhamedov KazNMU them. Asfendiyarov, tel. (8-727) -292-69-69 (vn.310), e-mail: [email protected]
Venue: KazNMU im.S.D.Asfendiyarova, Almaty, ul.Tole bi, 94, Rectorate Building, 2 nd floor of the Hall of Fame »
Time: 14.00 — 17.00.
April 8, 2011 in Almaty, the Kazakh National Medical University, SD Asfendiyarova at the School of Public Health. H. Dosmukhamedov will host a roundtable on the topic: «Problems and prospects of public health in Kazakhstan. Competence approach in the preparation of health care managers. »
Objective: To determine the development prospects of public health and basic ways of forming the institute health managers in Kazakhstan.
Participants: Representatives of the Ministry of Health, Institute of Health Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan, JSC Medical University — Astana, KazNMU im.S.D.Asfendiyarova, Semipalatinsk State Medical University, Karaganda State Medical University, South Kazakhstan State Medical University, VSHOZ, National Medical College, etc.
Our country’s entry into the era of market relations and to start integrating into the international professional community dictates the need to implement the principles of management and marketing, economic and socio-psychological methods in the management of health care organizations. Successful implementation of health reforms need to be replaced as an organizer, which was typical in terms of centralized management, the role of manager, manager. Has become more urgent problem of training, retraining and advanced training of managerial staff.
The importance of these issues is reflected in the National Program of Health of Kazakhstan «Salamatty Kazakhstan» in 2011-2015. According to which is necessary to introduce advanced management techniques to achieve efficient operation of medical organizations.
To date, the Ministry of Health conducted an analysis of the situation on the preparation of health authorities with the help of international experts, to develop plans for the development of the institute health managers. Planned a phased transfer of medical organizations in the enterprise on the right of business. To do this, started training for managers of health organizations, and planned to train 1,618 people. On the basis of KazNMU them. SD Asfendiyarova will train 783 specialist organization’s senior staff of PHC and hospital organizations at district, city, regional and national levels.
During the Round Table will discuss the current problems in training public health professionals and health managers, their role and place of competence and perspectives of their learning.