Optional lesson on the theme»Laugh makes life longer»


Teacherof the Department of Foreign LanguagesRyspanova A.Aand tutors of the groups 15-051GM, 14-049GM, teacher SaiynovaM.B.and teacherAbdïkaimovaT.A.was organized theoptional lessonon 01.04.2016at the hostel№7KazNMU, devoted to theInternational Fools Day  — 1st of March on the theme « Laugh makes life longer»

The event was attended by students of the groups 15-027 (1,2) GM, 15-051 (1.2) GM, 14-049 (1.2) GM and foreign students of the 1st year. The head of the Department of Foreign Languages, Associate Professor SuleimenovaO. Y, a seniorteacherSadykovaA. A. and other teachers of thedepartment took partat the optional lesson. The optional lesson has great meaning for the foreign students.