Module «Latin»


General  information   about the module

«Inviaest in medicina via sine lingua Latina!»

Latin language was and remains one of the most necessary disciplines at educating of medical students and pharmacist.

Studying of Latin language course in a medical university pursues an especially professional aim — to prepare a literate doctor terminologically. Students also have possibility to promote the cultural and educational level, broaden their horizons.

When students on other objects start recognizing easily and understand the scientific terminology, building on already known by them Latin roots and according to the rules of Latin word-formations, they constantly make sure in usefulness and necessity of Latin language for own education.

Terminological preparation of future doctors supposes not only understanding of terminology, but also practical skills of her active use.


Latin was taught at the university for decades. Graduating students  remember the names of  highly qualified teachers , as Tyo Rose Bonsenovna , Vasilchenco Natalia Nicolayevna, Galiyeva Vera  Aleksandrovna, GeorgiadiValentina , AbulkhairovaNagimaUmudzhanovna . Senior  teacherZhantasovaSapargulUrashevna  still  works.

The Latin language module was reorganized by the decision of Academic committee of KazNMU named after S,D,Asfendiyarov in September,2012.

Manager by the module is senior teacher Tatarenko Tatyana Dmitriyevna

There are 7 teachers on the module  who is working now. All teachers have large experience of workingin  KazNMU named after S,D,Asfendiyarov (from  15  to 30 years).

    Educational disciplines


— Latin and bases of medical terminology are faculties GM, Stomatology, Medical-prophylactic affair (1 course) — for to a 1 credit

— Latin and bases of pharmaceutical terminology are a pharmaceutical faculty (1 course) — 1 credit


— Latin and bases of pharmaceutical terminology is a faculty    (3 course)

— 1 creditpharmaceutical production technology


Educational — methodicalwork


The main purpose of study-methodical work on the module is creating conditional, contributing an increase of efficiency and quality of educational process.

Methodical work is a complex of the measures aimed at :

Providing the educational process by study-methodical documentation;

An increase ofpedagogical  skills  of teachers;

Perfection of audience and independent work of students.

Educational activity of the module is managed and regulated, first of all, by working curricula. The table of contents of education on an object is regulated by a typical and working on-line tutorial on discipline, by state requirements, plans of work of the module and other organizationally-normative documents.

On the basis of model curricula on all faculties are developed curricula and conducted their unification with the purpose of conducting curricula of employments on different faculties.


On the module methodical recommendations are worked out on drafting of on-line tutorials and executable educational codes of discipline.

Lessons on the module are conducted on-schedule in accordance with curricula and programs.

The teachers of the module published training manuals and collections of test tasks on Latin.

Scientific work

The teachers of the module participate actively in international research and practice conferences conducted in Kaz NMU, and also in external conferences. The articles are annually published in different editions.

In  the1st  term  of  2013-2014 year teachers handed over the articles to print  “Announcer of  KazNMU ”

  1. Principles of teaching Latin language in a medical university. (senior  teacher  Lissaridi E.K.,  senior teacher   Nurmukhambetova B.N.,  )
  2. Interconnection of verbal and nonverbal communication. (senior teacherLissaridi E.K., senior teacher   Nurmukhambetova B.N.,  )

3.Applying of innovative technologies in educating to the foreign language.

(senior  teacherShoibekova A.,  senior teacher Zhantasova S.)

A research student group «Lingua latina»works on the module.

On every meeting of group students present interesting material on the different themes related to medicine and  its history.


Among students of all faculties is conducted Olympiad “Do you   know Latin ?” annually. Students occupying prize places receive rewards; all participants of Olympiad are diplomas of participant


Educational  work

Educational work is conducted according to plan, that becomes firmly established at the beginning of school year on meeting of the module. The events pre-arranged by an university and faculty are taken into account in a plan.

There are anticorruption events are conducted on the module every year: questionnaire of students and competition of placards of «Corruption — NO! » .

On the module it is planned to conduct an event state symbols of the Republicof Kazakhstan in October.



There was an event on Civil Defensive «Providing of the first aid at an emergency»  which was conducted  in a hostel № 1 in 5 October,2013. It was conducted by a doctor physician-anesthetist of the highest category Aukeshev M.K.



The  list of teachers module «Latin language»:


1)     Tatarenko T.D. –senior teacher, Head teacher of the module

2)     Zhantasova S.U. – senior teacher

3)      Zhanusakova M.T.   – teacher

4)      LissaridiE.K .–  senior teacher

5)     Nurmukhambetova B.N. –  senior teacher

6)      TokpanovaА.А. –  senior teacher

7)      ShoibekovaА.Ж. –  senior teacher





Head teacher of the module is Tatarenko T.D.


Zhantasova S.U. – senior teacher


Lissaridi E.K . –  senior teacher


Tokpanova А.А. –  senior teacher


Nurmukhambetova B.N. –  senior teacher


Shoibekova А.Ж. –  senior teacher


Zhantasova S.U. – senior teacher