The meeting of the Kazakhstan participants of the project was held on January 25, 2017 in S.D.AsfendiyarovKazNMUin Almaty


Participants of the meeting:

Full name High school City Role in the project
1. Akhmetova Alma Abdukarimovna, Chairman of the meeting SKSPhA Shymkent Local Coordinator in Kazakhstan
2. IbragimovaAigulGaffarovna SKSPhA Shymkent Program developer «Improving the best practices in providing first medical aid»
3. BaytashevaGaukharUmiralievna WPU Almaty Coordinator of the University
4. IslamkulovaIlmiraBeketovna WPU Almaty Program developer «Age-related physiology and hygiene»
5. BainazarovaTursynayBeisembekovna WPU Almaty Program developer «Age-related physiology and hygiene»
6. ParmanbekovaMeruertHamitbekovna WPU Almaty Program developer «Age-related physiology and hygiene»
7 ArtykbayevaNaziraTulegenovna,

Meeting Secretary

KazNMU Almaty Coordinator of the University
8. KassymovaGulnaraPazylbekovna KazNMU Almaty Program developer «Sports medicine and hygiene of physical culture»
8. RyspekovaShynarOrdakhanovna KazNMU Almaty Program developer «Age-related physiology and hygiene»
9. SokolovAlexanderDmitrievich KazNMU Almaty Program developer «Age-related physiology and hygiene»
10 KamaliyevMaksutAdilkhanovich KazNMU Almaty Program developer «Public Health and Health Management»
11. KozhekenovaZhanat Assetovna KazNMU Almaty Program  developer «Public Health and Health Management»


The project coordinator of S.D. AsfendiyarovKazNMUArtykbayeva N.T. greeted all participants of the meeting, noted that this meeting was initiated by A.A. Akhmetova, the local project coordinator in Kazakhstan.

The project coordinator in Kazakhstan, Vice-rector SKSPhAAkhmetova A. A. addressed to the project participants, highlighting the common goals and objectives.

Of further joint work on the project with the aim of realization the activities of the second year work and preparing materials for the reportissues were discussed at the meeting.

In the project application for management, each institution defines disciplines that will be modernized with the development of a curriculum, an educational and methodical complex, a teaching aid and an electronic textbook. After the development of all methodological and educational materials in universities, the testing procedure and the completion of the disciplines will begin.

According to the results of the meeting, it was decided that SKSPhA is responsible for the discipline «Improving the best practices in providing first medical aid «. In KazNMU this discipline passes approbation and testing.

In the discipline «Public Health and Health Management», the responsible university is the Tashkent Medical Academy. KazNMU works together in a consortium, together they create a teachingaid and a curriculum.

KazNMU is responsible for the age physiology among medical universities, works with medical universities in Uzbekistan.

KazSWPU represents the age physiology of children and adolescents, works with non-medical universities in Uzbekistan.

KazNMU is responsible for «Sports medicine and hygiene of physical culture». In addition, Professor G.P. Kassymova will be an expert for the discipline «Exercise and hygiene of physical culture.»

According to the second year plan, the conference will be held in October 2017, with the participation of all the partner universities on the basis of SKSPhA.