12 of April, 13.00-16.00 (Greek time) the kazNMU team had first part of the Training from EU Partners on Communication Skills by UoL university. Dr. Rob Lane demonstrates the teaching process of communication skills and the significance of case-based learning activities, lecturing, flipped classroom and so on.
May 26, 2021 the team have had the training session forms the second part of the Training from EU Partners on Communication Skills by the university of AUTH. According to international experts, learning effective communication skills can be difficult to students due to struggles with perceiving an objective analysis of their actions and its impact on the communication process. Flipped classroom activities turn over a traditional mode of teaching where a lecturer presents new material to students. It encourages the development of new vector of learning in student’s mind, involving development of critical thinking and clinical reasoning. As part of training, the teacher becomes facilitator to students, rather than a knowledge expert. The incoming information on development of communication skills will be provided using virtual patient scenarios, while the learners will be able to improve their skills by analyzing the situation and suggesting possible reactions, at the same time increasing their efficiency through direct feedback from facilitator. After becoming confident through learning with virtual patients, the learners will practice with standardized patients.