Master-class of the invited Professor Sergey Kozlov «Actual Issues of Tropical Parasitic Diseases» (44 hours)


Within the period of June 23 to July 1 a series of lectures provided by Professor Sergei Kozlov  will be conducted in KazNMU under the “Visiting Professors” programme. Pr. Kozlov holds PhD, MD, a Chief Parasitologist of Ministry of Defence. Head of Parasitology and Tropical Diseases Course (Department of Infectious Diseases under Military Medical Academy after S.M. Kirov (St. Petersburg, Russia).


Programme of the visit: «Actual Issues of Tropical Parasitic Diseases»


Date Title lectures (sessions) Time Total hours Venue


23.06.11. Registration 14.00. – 14.30. Hall of Glory (Rectorat)

(Tole, 94)

23.06.11. Representation. 14.30. – 14.50. Hall of Glory (Rectorat)

(Tole, 94)

23.06.11. Parasitic diseases


14.50. – 16.30. 2 Hall of Glory (Rectorat)

(Tole, 94)

Review lecture
24.06.11. Malaria. Parasitological diagnosis. Features of Falciparum malaria.


09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of Municipal Clinical Hospital for Infectious Diseases named after .I.Zhekenovoy (GKIB)

(295, Baizakov str.)

Lecture with elements of the practice session
24.06.11. Malaria. Principles of therapy and prevention.


11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture
24.06.11. Old World Leishmaniasis. Diagnosis and treatment.


14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
25.06.11. Trypanosomiases in Africa and America. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
25.06.11. Toxoplasmosis. Methods of diagnosis, principles of diagnosis and interpretation of serological tests. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
25.06.11. Amebiasis. Intestinal and extra-intestinal. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
26.06.11. Sunday. Day off.
27.06.11 Conditionally pathogenic free-living amoebae and their role in human pathology. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
27.06.11 Intestinal trichomonads and blastocyst, and their role in human pathology. Conditionally pathogenic flagellates of man. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
27.06.11 Giardiasis and cryptosporidiosis. Diagnosis, principles of differential diagnosis. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
28.06.11 Opisthorchiasis and clonorchiasis. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
28.06.11 Paragonimiasis and other gastrointestinal infestation with Trematoda. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
28.06.11 Schistosomiases. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. Tserkariosis. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
29.06.11 Diphyllobothriasis and hymenolepiasis. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
29.06.11 Teniases and rare cestodiases. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
29.06.11 Echinococcosis and alveococcosis. The clinic, diagnosis, prevention. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
30.06.11 Ascariasis, trichocephaliasis, enterobiasis. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
30.06.11 Strongyloidiasis and ankylostomidoses. The clinic, diagnosis and treatment. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
30.06.11 Tropical nematodoses — filariasis. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
01.07.11 Toxocariasis and rare helminths of human. 09.00. – 10.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
01.07.11 The principles of causal treatment of helminthiasis and protozoosis. 11.00. – 12.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
01.07.11 Informative methods of diagnosis of helminthiasis and protozoosis. 14.00. – 15.50. 2 Meeting-hall of GKIB Lecture with elements of the practice session
01.07.11 The final part. Feedback from the audience. Comments and suggestions.

Presentation of certificates and licenses.

15.50-16.10.   Meeting-hall of GKIB  
TOTAL: 44 hours        



Contact details:

Professor S.Kozlov, PhD, MD, a Chief Parasitologist of Ministry of Defence. Head of Parasitology and Tropical Diseases Course (Department of Infectious Diseases under Military Medical Academy after S.M. Kirov (St. Petersburg, Russia)

Official e-mail box: [email protected]


Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases with the course of  «HI- infection and infectious control»

Head of Department — Duysenova Amangul Kuandykovna (office phone / fax 275-04-57, Mob.  +7 777 247 27 33, +7 701 345 30 98)