For realizing a cultural project “Triunity of languages” and trilingual teaching conception, worked out in KazNMU there was arranged «Тілдарын – 2011» Olympiad together with state language development sector among the students of the 1st and 2nd courses of “General medicine”, “Stomatology”, “Pharmacy”, “Technology of pharmaceutical manufacture” faculties (responsible teachers are associated prof. Suleimenova O.Ya., senior teacher Sadykova A.A.).
«Тілдарын – 2011» Olympiad included 2 stages: The 1st stage is retelling a special medical text in Kazakh, Russian and English languages and the 2nd stage is presentation on the theme: “My future profession”. All participants of the Olympiad were creative in performing their tasks, they give information and made presentations in excellent Kazakh, Russian and English languages, they all showed their oratorical abilities and the best use of slides, photos and other informational materials in presentation of the theme.
There were named the winners of the Olympiad:
Grand prize – Bizhanova Ayakoz, student of group 10-005 stom. faculty.
Ist place – Aidarbekova Zhuldyz, student of group 10-002 GM
IInd place – Tastanbekova Aidana, student of group 10-017 GM
IIIrd place – Nurmukhamad Friba, student of group 11-046 GM.