International Nurses Day is celebrated in Almaty



On the eve of the International Nurses Day healthcare workers of the southern capital held

a round table to discuss the issues of overcoming stigma and discrimination against people

living with HIV in healthcare institutions, increasing access to health care and upgrading

professionalism of healthcare providers.

The roundtable was held on April 30, at 14.00 in the Conference room of the Central Clinical

Hospital (CCH ). The event was organized by the faculty of “HIV – infection and Infection

Control” Division of the Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University , CCH staff, and

the Almaty City AIDS Center .

«International Nurses Day is just a few days apart of another event – International AIDS

Candlelight Memorial Day. These two important days are good reason for us to have an

open conversation about fundamental role of health professionals in tackling stigma and

discrimination towards people living with HIV who are turning to us for help , and whose health

often depends precisely on the professionalism and warmth of people in white coats «- said prof.

Nurses, doctors, scientists, public figures, people living with HIV were invited to participate in

the round table entitled «We are against discrimination». Participants were actively involved in

discussing such issues as how to enhance the healthcare providers’ professionalism, improve

patients’ and healthcare workers’ safety, stigma and discrimination as a major obstacle to the

provision of quality health care; discrimination in health care facilities, and others. Among the

speakers of the roundtable there were M. Abdullaev, Chief Doctor of CCH; Zh. Nugmanova,

Chair of «HIV infection and infection control » Division of KazNMU, Chief Freelance HIV

Specialist of the City Health Administration; A. Zhandybaeva — Acting Chair, Department of

Prevention, AIDS Center ; L. Kurbatova — Chair of the PLWHA Board ; S. Biryukov – Director,

Public fund » ANTIHEPATITIS » and others.