Vocational guidance in KazNMU
In Almaty region held a career-oriented forum
February 26, 2016 from 11.30 to 16.00 hours in the House of Culture village Kyzylkayrat Talgar district of Almaty region held an exhibition of educational institutions — the career-oriented forum organized by the editorial staff of the Republican magazine «Modern Education» and the Department of Educationls of Almaty region, for the pupils of the senior classes of secondary schools of the city of Talgar and Talgar district.
The joint work of the University and the editorial board of the Republican magazine «Modern Education» career centers staff, students and the development of employability of graduates and representatives of the departments of «Public Health» — Associate Professor of «Communal hygiene and hygiene of children and adolescents» — Arynova G.A., «Nursing»- teacher of «Policy and management of health care» Te N.V., «Pharmacy «- the teacher module «Pharmacist-technologist» Ibadullaeva G.S. — took part in this event, where was held professional orientation work among high school students the city Talgar and Talgar district of Almaty region.
The forum participants were shown a film «85 years KazNMU them. S.D.Asfendiyarov» and associate professor Arynova G.A.,teacher Ibadullaeva G.S. made presentations about the departments KazNMU. Was given full information about the departments and specialties of the University, are given advice on ways of training, rules of admission and submission of documents to KazNMU were also given handouts of the University. Children asked the questions interesting them to employees of Center of professional orientation, development of students and employment of graduates and teachers of University on which received irrefragable answers.