Action to collect blood at the Kazakh National Medical University: Opening Day of the donor!
KazNMU students will participate in «Blood Donor Day»!
April 7 in the First Medical «will be the action » Donor Day «!
It will be a mobile station on campus with a blood transfusion specialist doctors of the National Blood Center.
Participation in this promotion for students means, above all, the ability to help people who find themselves in a difficult position where their lives depend on volunteers who give their blood for free. About fifteen hundred students KazNMU ready to give blood to those who desperately need it. Participants of the celebration planning a flash mobs on the topic: «hand over the blood, save lives,» «charge of all sports recharging, as well as various sports competitions among students.
The action for the collection of blood, carried out by the Republican Blood Center, is open to everyone willing to join the ranks of donors. Since the shares are held in conjunction with blood transfusion stations, qualified doctors strictly control the fulfillment of all health standards and regulations, as well as monitor compliance with donor safety. In all actions running outreach physicians transfusiologists station uses special medical equipment for the visiting donor activities.
Program activities:
09:00 — 10:00 Flash mob «hand over the blood, save lives»
10:00 — 11:00 Sports competitions among students KazNMU
10:00 -10:10 Opening «Health Day — 2011», «Opening Day of the donor in KazNMU»
10:10 — 10:20 Flash — mob action, gymnastics «charge of all sporting charging»
10:20 — 10:30 Flash — mob action «hand over the blood, save lives»
10:30 — 11:00 Holiday Concert program with participation of creative teams of the University KazNMU
Press office KazNMU