The University Council of Elders is a collective consultative body of the University working on a voluntary basis.
The UniversityCouncil of Elders is created to consider the most complex problems and disputed situations arising from the activities of the University and its governing bodies , as well as current problems relating to the realization of educational, scientific, clinical and social activities of the University.
The Council of Elders is guided by the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan , the Charter of the University, internal administrative documents of the University and by the present Regulation.
1) The Council of Elders is created in accordance with the rector’sorder out of experienced and authoritative scientists of the University havinga great experience in the field of educational, scientific and social activities who have made a significant contribution to the development of the University.
2) Regulation of the Councilof Elders of the University is approved by the Rector on the basis of the decision of the Academic Council of the University.
3) Suggestions on the staff of the Council of Elders are considered by the Academic Council of the University and after adoption of the decision on changing the staff of the Council of Elders they are agreed at a meeting of the Council of Elders and confirmed by the Rector’s order.
4) The Council of Elders includes the Chairman, Vice Chairman, members of the Council of Elders and a secretary.
5) Working groups on specific directions of the University activity may be formed within the Council of Elders.
6) All problems introducingat the meetings of the Council of Elders are considered collectively and recommendations and conclusions of the Council of Elders are taken by voting.
7) The direct management of the Council of Elders is realized by the Chairman of the Council of Elders.
8) The Chairman is elected by the members of the Council of Elders of its membership by open voting.
9 ) The Chairman of the Council of Elders :
— calls and holds meetings of the Council of Elders ;
—confirms the working plan of the Council of Elders ;
— makes suggestions for inclusion in the staff of Council of Elders and for exclusion from it, for procedure and term of participation in the activities of the Council of Elders ;
— informs the members of the Academic Council and the administration of the University about the adopted decisions and recommendations ;
— coordinates the activities of the working groups of the Council of Elders .
10) In case of a Chairman’s absence a meeting is held by his deputy, elected out of the members of the Council of Elders by open voting.
11) A secretary of the Council of Elders:
— provides organizational and technical activities on preparing and conducting meetings of the Council of Elders, informs its members about the date and place of meeting, provides them with the necessary documents for meeting;
—fills in meeting minutes and decisions of the Council of Elders ;
— prepares information on realization of the decisions of the Council of Elders.