Fourth Annual International Winter school «Topical issues of public health care: Leadership in health care»


For realization of the State program of development of health care of the Republic of Kazakhstan » Salamatty Kazakhstan» for 2011-2015 and strengthenings of partnership with medical schools of RK the Kazakh National Medical University of a named after

S.D.  Afendiyarov carries out the Fourth Annual International Winter school «Topical issues of public health care: Leadership in health care» for students of 4 courses medical, and also other higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan from January 14 to January 18, 2013.

Scientists and experts of public health care of national and international levels will take part in work of School.

Location: KazNMU amed after  S.D.  Asfendiyarov (Almaty, Tole St., 94), School of Public Health care of  K.Dosmukhamedov (Rector’s Office Building, first floor, left wing, room № 118).