on February, 6, 2015 in from 14.00 to 16.00 hours in a Conference-hall №14 conducted School of pedagogical mastery after name.H. S.Nasubyllina seminar-conference for the group of internal experts on the competenses of teacher of medical institution of higher learning


on February, 6, 2015 in from 14.00 to 16.00 hours in a Conference-hall №14 conducted School of pedagogical mastery after name.H. S.Nasubyllina seminar-conference for the group of internal experts on the competenses of teacher of medical institution of higher learning.

Experts are present for educating end-point on the enumerated three competenses of educating : initial, middle, advanced.

On by the result of discussion additions and changes were brought in.

Following seminar-conference assigned for  13.02.2015 In 14.00 ч. in a Conference-hall number 14 (School of pedagogical skills).