The project is being implemented under the Erasmus + program funded by the European Commission. The content of this publication / material is the responsibility of the author and does not reflect the views of the European Commission


HARMONEE — Harmonization and Mutual Recognition of Master’s Programs in Occupational Health and Environment

The goal of the project is to improve public health knowledge and practice (including environmental health, occupational health and One Health) in line with current needs and gaps in Central Asian countries.

Project objectives

  1. Development of new modules to strengthen the interdisciplinary skills required in public health such as environmental epidemiology, toxicology, infectious diseases, impact sciences, occupational health, and risk assessment for masters. This will enhance local expertise in surveillance programs and address regional public health hazards through the training of qualified masters.
  2. Build local capacity through teacher training in the development and delivery of master’s programs in public health.
  3. Improving the educational and research competencies and skills of participating HEIs in areas related to public health.
  4. Promote and expand the existing regional and international public health network.
  5. Implementing an interdisciplinary approach to public health education

The «HARMONEE» project has officially started!

The HARMONEE project (Harmonization And mutual Recognition of Master programs in OccupatioNal and Environmental hEalth) officially opened with an online meeting on February 11 and 12, 2021. All 11 partners from 6 countries (Italy, the Netherlands, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan) have identified the main provisions of this transnational project, approved by the European Commission under the Erasmus + program. Professor Claudio Colosio, consortium coordinator from the University of Milan presented the main priorities for 3 years. The project coordinators from the universities of Central Asia voiced their needs and recommendations. Project coordinator in KazNMU and the Republic of Kazakhstan, professor Toguzbaeva K.K. presented a vision for the development of One Health in Central Asia, and also pointed out the need to develop human capital in this area, in order to prevent and prepare for future pandemics.

About the project HARMONEE:
Harmonization and mutual recognition of master’s programs in occupational health and the environment

Project coordinator: University of Milan (Italy)
Project goal: to improve knowledge and practice in the field of public health (including environmental protection and labor protection, as well as unified health care) in accordance with the current needs and problems in the countries of Central Asia.
Project duration: 36 months
Project budget: 999,485.00 euros
Consortium composition of the project

Partners from Kazakhstan: KazNMU im. S. D. Asfendiyarova, Karaganda Medical University, Semey Medical University
Program countries: Urtrecht University (Netherlands)

Partner countries: International Higher School of Medicine, Osh State University (Kyrgyzstan), Tajik State Medical University named after Abuali ibn Sino, Khudzhan State University named after Academician Y. Gafurov (Tajikistan), Bukhara State Medical University, Samarkand State Medical University (Uzbekistan).

HARMONEE project members from KazNMU
Project coordinator – Toguzbaeva Karlygash Kabdeshevna;
Project researcher — Ismailova Aigul Amanzholovna
Project researcher – Khozhamkul Rabiga;
Project researcher – Zhumagaliuly Abzal
Project researcher – Aryntayeva Nurila Esimzhankyzy