Effective management of public enterprises on the right of business


«Effective management of public enterprises
on the right of business »

«The health system of our country is experiencing one of the most critical moments. There is no way back there in the modern context, we must do everything to make the system to provide maximum care. Our goal — the effective use of all resources t coming to healthcare organizations now »

Rector of KazNMU Aikan Akanov
(From his speech at the opening ceremony of the training courses health managers — March 28, 2011)

March 28 KazNMU began a 6-day refresher course for health care organizations (regional, urban, regional and national levels), «Effective management of public enterprises on the right of business» with the participation of representatives of health organizations from all regions of the country, organized by SPH them. H. Dosmukhamedov.
The purpose of learning — the acquisition of knowledge in the management of medical organizations, professional skills and abilities to restructure state-owned enterprises of Health and public health agencies in the state-owned enterprises on the right of business.
The main objectives of the course are:
1. The introduction of international standards and principles of strategic planning and budgeting, including the introduction of the institute of professional health managers;
2. Development and implementation of resource management techniques including technology transfer in the field of hospital management;
3. Improving the performance of health organizations, including phased transfer of medical organizations in the enterprise on the PVC.
Under the Plan of measures on organization of training managers in the current year of the republic is planned for 1618 professionals – managers of health care, including for medical organizations — 774 expert — 3 people from each organization (manager / deputy. Manager, economist, Ch. Accountant); organization PHC (844 specialists — to 4 people). KazNMU will prepare 783 Manager (hospital organization — 435 people, organizations PHC — 348).
Forms of training:

  • lecture
  • seminars, workshops,
  • independent work
  • development projects
  • departures