Elective disciplines

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Graduate model Program passport Compulsory disciplines Elective disciplines


Elective subjects:

Diagnostics in orthodontics

Number of credits – 4
The discipline is aimed at the formation of clinical thinking in the selection of modern diagnostic methods, the development and justified use of special research methods in orthodontics, the principles of construction and justification of the orthodontic diagnosis

Treatment of anomalies of the dentition in children with congenital malformations of the maxillofacial region

Number of credits – 4
The discipline forms the clinical thinking and practical skills of the dentist in examining, diagnosing, preventing and using orthodontic constructions, indications, contraindications and terms for treating dentoalveolar anomalies in children with congenital malformations of the maxillofacial region, improves communication skills, and working skills in an inter-professional team .

Treatment of anomalies and deformations of the dentition with pathology of the temporo-mandibular joint in children

Number of credits – 4
Discipline forms the clinical thinking and practical skills of the dentist in examining, diagnosing, preventing and treating children and adults with pathology of the temporomandibular joint. The choice of treatment methods with orthodontic appliances, the methods of mechanotherapy and myogymnastics, improves communication skills, work skills in an inter-professional team.

Medical law, management, marketing and audit in dentistry

Number of credits – 4
The discipline studies the legal norms governing public relations in the field of dental activity; considers systematic approaches to labor management and training of medical staff of the dental office. Forms the ability to make scientifically sound management decisions, develop sound strategies to meet the needs and requirements of the patient and the continuous development of the dental clinic; assessment of the quality of            PD