Mandatory disciplines of pediatrics

Model graduating student
Program passport
Mandatory disciplines
Elective Disciplines
Professional internships

General education subjects:

Foreign language

Amount of credits-10
Type of control- exam
Having studied the discipline «foreign language», the student will be able to conduct conversation within the limits of everyday and medical topics, perceive and understand the messages by ear, read international publications, compile a report using foreign literature, compile a glossary, demonstrate knowledge of the basic grammatical rules, effectively interact in a team.

Information and communication technologies

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
After studying the discipline, students will be able to: use the latest updates and trends in the field of information technology, information and communication technologies to present and interpret data; to apply practical skills in carrying out calculations and data analysis using application programs; and use cloud services to perform calculations; search and transfer information through network resources.

Kazakh / Russian language

Amount of credits-10
Type of control- exam
As a result of training, the student will be able to communicate in oral and written forms to solve the problems of professional activity; to keeping medical records; to interview the patient; to the analysis and public presentation of scientific information; to participate in conducting research using Russian / Kazakh-speaking scientific sources, together with Kazakhstani specialists.

Module - Social and Political Knowledge: Culturology

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
Studying the module will help students form a socio-political mindset; development of citizenship; knowledge of the world and national cultural and historical heritage.

Module - Social and Political Knowledge: Political science

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
Studying the module will help students form a socio-political mindset; development of citizenship; knowledge of the world and national cultural and historical heritage.
Political science is an independent science and subject that studies politics, political relations, political systems. The object of political science is political relations in society.

Module - Social and Political Knowledge:Psychology

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The discipline «psychology» reveals the concept of psychology, personality, behavioral science, biopsychosocial factors in the formation of human behavior. Students will master the skills of teamwork, effective communication with patients and colleagues, will be able to put into practice the knowledge of psychological and behavioral characteristics of the patient’s personality.

Иностранный язык

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The discipline «psychology» reveals the concept of psychology, personality, behavioral science, biopsychosocial factors in the formation of human behavior. Students will master the skills of teamwork, effective communication with patients and colleagues, will be able to put into practice the knowledge of psychological and behavioral characteristics of the patient’s personality.

Module - Social and Political Knowledge: Sociology

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
Studying the module will help students form a socio-political mindset; development of citizenship; knowledge of the world and national cultural and historical heritage.
Sociology studies the social sphere, people’s livelihoods: the social structure, social institutions and relationships, the social qualities of the individual, the social behavior of people, the public consciousness, etc. The object of sociology is to study society as an integral system.

Module – Introduction yo the clinic: Medical ecology

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
Medical ecology is one of the sciences for the protection of public health, helps to improve health. Students will be able to make informed decisions of professional tasks and problems in a changing environment and society, apply measures to prevent the spread of infection, apply scientific principles, methods and knowledge in medical practice and research.

Module - Introduction to the clinics: Basics of nursing and first aid practice Basics of academic integrity and anti-corruption culture

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
After studying the discipline the student will demonstrate the skills of nursing: care, transportation, personal hygiene; First Aid: assessment of patients; recognition of clinical death, first aid, including basic resuscitation; basics of general surgery: aseptic, antiseptic, desmurgy, first aid for injuries, fractures, frostbite, burns; skill of effective teamwork.
The student will analyze the behavior of the doctor and patient, applying legal, ethical, anti-corruption principles.

Modern history of Kazakhstan

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- State exam
The modern history of Kazakhstan studies historical events, phenomena, facts and processes occurring in the world in the context of globalization, which became actual with the acquisition of independence by the Republic of Kazakhstan. Upon completion of this program, the student will be able to analyze various complex historical events of modern Kazakhstan in the context of world history; demonstrate skills in logical analysis; to cultivate feelings of patriotism for the Fatherland.

Physical education

Amount of credits-8
Type of control- exam
Physical culture provides profiled physical readiness, education of the conscious need for a healthy lifestyle. Upon completion of the program, it is expected that students will be able to take an active social position in improving the health of the individual and the public; use acquired knowledge to organize and conduct activities for the formation of a healthy lifestyle.


Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
Philosophy helps students create a holistic system view of the world and the place of a person in it, the formation of logical analysis skills, critical thinking for use in professional activities and building their own ideological position based on the ideals and values of humanism.

Basic disciplines:

Module – Introduction to science research: Biostatistics, bioethics

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The content of the discipline of biostatistics is an introduction to statistical methods, including descriptive and logical statistics, evaluation of qualitative and quantitative data, correlation and regression analysis, computer programs for data analysis. The basics and evolution of ethics are studied as a discipline that studies the ethical problems of interaction between a doctor and a patient, a researcher and a researched person; ethical and legal support of scientific research.

Human Histology and Embryology

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
Human histology and embryology studies the patterns of development, structure, activity of cells and intercellular substance, resulting from their specialization in various organs. Students can apply this knowledge in medical practice to describe and identify the structure of the organism at the microscopic and submicroscopic levels at different ages. Perform scientific work using modern equipment.

Module – Introduction to science research: Evidence based medicine

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The content of the discipline covers the formation of scientific thinking and the definition of cause-effect relationships based on evidence and application of evidence-based evidence in clinical practice, as well as conducting relevant literature and critical assessment of published medical literature.

Medical chemistry

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
Chemistry studies the processes of interconversion of substances, changes in their structure and properties, various types of equilibria. According to the result of studying the discipline, the student will be able to apply the laws of chemistry to characterize and describe biochemical processes occurring in the body, explain the relationship between the structure, properties and biological activity of substances, use calculations and physical and chemical methods necessary in medical practice.

Medical physics

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
Medphysics is an area of applied physics in which devices, equipment and physical factors affecting a person, used in medicine, are studied. According to the results of the study of the discipline, students will apply scientific knowledge in the learning process and medical research, demonstrate the skills of conducting scientific research, strive for new knowledge, have logical thinking, research ability.

Module of Fundamentals of Neurology (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology)

Amount of credits-7
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, students will be able to apply knowledge and demonstrate practical skills regarding the general principles of the anatomological and histological structure and functional organization of the nervous and sensory systems; understand the basics of the neurophysiological processes of the formation of higher nervous activity of a person, taking into account age characteristics; will be able to demonstrate the skills of clinical thinking, teamwork, research, using IT — technology.

Module of Reproductive human health (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical genetics)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
In the module, students study the anatomical and histological structure, as well as the physiological processes of tissues and organs of the male and female reproductive system, the basis of prenatal diagnosis, the causes of the development of hereditary diseases, and their prevention. As a result, students will be able to demonstrate leadership in their professional activities; acquire the skills of research, clinical thinking and effective teamwork.

Module of Cytology and Molecular Biology: Molecular Biology

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
Molecular biology studies the mechanisms of storage, transfer and implementation of genetic information, the structure and functions of complex high-molecular compounds that make up the cell. The results of the study of the discipline, students will be able to apply in medical practice for understanding molecular genetic processes, mechanisms of manifestation and transmission of clinical signs of hereditary diseases.

Module of Introduction to Research: Science projects

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The content of the discipline is the practical application of the methods and skills of the organization of scientific research: planning, goal and objectives, choice of design / methods, schedule of execution, analysis, interpretation, conclusions, writing a report and presentation on the results of the study. The prerequisite for conducting a scientific project is to ensure effective communication, the availability of an appropriate source and data collection, leadership and project management.

Basics of Anatomy

Amount of credits-10
Type of control- exam
Anatomy studies the external and internal structure of organs and organ systems, parts of the body in different age periods in conjunction with the influence of the environment. The results of training are the application in medical practice and research methods and knowledge of anatomy, the principles of logical analysis, using IT — technology; demonstration of effective teamwork and professional erudition.

Basics of medical parasitology

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
Discipline studies the etiology, pathogenesis, laboratory diagnosis, principles of prevention and treatment of parasitic diseases. According to the results of training, students will be able to carry out differential diagnostics of diseases based on the results obtained according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, apply the latest achievements of parasitology in the practice of a doctor, be able to use information technology in searching, comparing and analyzing data.

Module of Cytology and Molecular Biology: Cytology

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, students will know the structure and functions of various cell types, human parasites, as the etiological factor of diseases, methods of diagnosis, treatment, prevention according to the principles of evidence-based medicine, apply the latest scientific achievements of biology and microbiology in the learning process, use legal acts, scientific principles and methods for searching, comparing and analyzing data, teamwork.

Module of Nutrient Uptake and Homeostasis: Part 1 - Nutrient uptake and Metabolism (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical ecology)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
The module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structural and functional relationships in the digestive system and metabolic processes. After studying the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of the anatomical, histological structure, physiology, biochemical processes, metabolic functions of the digestive system in various age groups; environmental influences on metabolism; skills in clinical thinking, research, application of IT technologies and teamwork.

Module of Immune Response and Infection: Part 1 - Immune Response (General immunology, Microbiology)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
The student will demonstrate knowledge of the structure and functioning of the immune system at different age periods, the effector mechanisms of the innate and adaptive immunity of a healthy body and immunopathological processes (autoimmune diseases, hypersensitivity, transplant rejection, tumor growth, immunodeficiency states) will form skills in the use of immunodiagnostics, immunoprophylaxis, immunopathy, immunodeficiency states, will form the skills of using immunodiagnostics, immune prophylaxis, and immunodeficiency states. therapy, applying the latest achievements of infectious and non-infectious immunology.

Module of Basics of Preclinical Studies and Locomotion: Part 1 - Basics of preclinical studies (Fundamentals of medical biochemistry, medical microbiology, normal physiology)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
The module provides biomedical sciences — biochemistry, microbiology, physiology, and the development of practical skills necessary for further education and research using IT technologies. Having studied the module, the student will be able to describe the general principles of the structure and properties of prokaryotes, the biochemical and electrophysiological properties of the cell, microbiological diagnostic methods for determining the types of microorganisms.

Module of Respiration and Circulation (norm): Part 1 - Respiration (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical ecology)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
The module studies the anatomical and morphological structure, physiology and biochemical processes of the respiratory system in adults and children; influence of environmental factors. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the structural and functional relationships of the respiratory system; use this knowledge to understand the functional system of maintaining the constancy of the blood gas composition; skills in clinical thinking, research, application of IT technologies and teamwork.

Module of Basics of Clinical Research, Locomotion and Reproductive Health: Part 1 - Basics of clinical research (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy Pharmacology,Communication skills, General surgery)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
The disciplines of the module are necessary for further study and the development of practical skills required in professional activities and in scientific research. The student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the general patterns of occurrence, development, outcomes of pathological processes and diseases, their manifestations at the macro and microscopic levels, general patterns of pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics of drugs, the basics of surgery and communication skills.

Module of Basics of Preclinical Studies and Locomotion: Part 2 - Locomotion (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical genetics)

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
The module provides biomedical sciences such as anatomy, histology, biochemistry, physiology, medical genetics and the development of practical skills necessary for further education and research using IT technologies. Having studied the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of the anatomical, histological structure of the musculoskeletal system in different age periods, biochemical processes and physiological mechanisms of movement, hereditary pathologies.

Module of Nutrient Uptake and Homeostasis: Part 2 - Homeostasis and Excretion (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical ecology)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
The module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structural and functional relationships in the urinary system. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the anatomical, histological structure of the urinary system, mechanisms of urinary formation; biochemical and physiological norms of water metabolism, acid-base state; the influence of the environment on the processes of homeostasis and excretion; skills in clinical thinking, research, application of IT technologies and teamwork.

Module of Respiration and Circulation (norm): Part 2 - Circulation (norm) (Anatomy, Histology, Physiology, Biochemistry, Medical ecology)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
The module is designed to provide a comprehensive understanding of the structural and functional relationships in the circulatory system. Having studied the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of the anatomical, histological structure, metabolic processes and physiological mechanisms of the functions of the heart and blood vessels in different age groups; the influence of environmental factors; skills of clinical thinking, will be able to conduct research using IT technologies, demonstrate teamwork skills.

Module of Introduction to Research: Epidemiology

Amount of credits-2
Type of control- exam
The content of the discipline covers the principles and methods of epidemiological research, including a description of the incidence in populations, the design of epidemiological studies to study the etiology of the disease. Quantitative measures are being studied to determine risk, the association between factors and outcomes, and the standardization method.

Module of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Diseases and Intensive and Emergency Medicine in pediatrics Part 1- Orthopedics, traumatology

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
At the end of the discipline, students will be able to conduct examinations of children with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, differential diagnosis and formulate a clinical diagnosis, determine indications for conservative and operative treatment, provide medical assistance for the most common injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, demonstrate skills effective teamwork, professional erudition.

Clinical Module of Neurosciences in children, Part I , Diseases of Nervous System in children (Pediatric Nervous diseases, Infectious diseases, Pharmacology, Pediatric Radiology Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Pediatric Neurosurgery)

Amount of credits-8
Type of control- exam
Disciplines study the causes of the emergence and development of infectious, neurological diseases, diagnosis, and treatment. Learning outcomes will be used in identifying the etiology, pathogenesis of the disease, establishing a topical diagnosis and treatment. Be proactive, be able to achieve goals. Apply ethical, legal principles in practice. Effectively use information technology when learning. Demonstrate clinical thinking skills, participate in research programs.

Module of Musculoskeletal Diseases and Intensive and Emergency Medicine, Part 2 - Intensive and Emergency Medicine: Medicine of accidents

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
After studying this discipline, bachelors will be able to professionally and professionally examine a patient, carry out differential diagnostics, assess emergency situations, carry out medical triage and organize events at the source of a disaster; follow the standards of diagnosis and treatment; demonstrate teamwork skills; establish relationships with patients and their relatives; analyze the results of scientific publications, write articles .; use IT technology.

Module-Childhood diseases

Amount of credits-12
Type of control- exam
After studying the module “Childhood diseases”, the student will be able to demonstrate skills and applications of knowledge of etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, treatment of the most common childhood diseases, including the sections of children’s infectious diseases, pediatric surgery, phthisiology, psychiatry and children’s diseases issues in the work of outpatient pediatrician, nutriciology, children’s pharmacology. Be able to work in a team.

Module of Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Clinical anatomy and operative surgery, Obstetrics, Pediatric Gynecology, Oncogynecology, Obstetrics and Gynecology in the work of the general practitioner)

Amount of credits-8
Type of control- exam
The module provides for the study of the clinical and physiological features of the female body in different age periods, clinical manifestations, principles of diagnosis and treatment of obstetric and gynecological pathology with the aim of providing primary health care and emergency care in order to form knowledge, skills, skills in the diagnosis and management of physiological / pathological pregnancy, childbirth, the postpartum period, and the diagnosis, treatment, prevention of gynecological and oncological diseases.

Module – Pediatric Clinical Psychology and Psychiatry (Pediatric Clinical psychology, including in the work of the general practitioner, Fundamentals of Pediatric Psychiatry and Narcology, including GP, Pharmacology)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of regulatory issues, etiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptoms, clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, experimental psychological research, diagnosis and differential diagnosis skills, principles of therapy in children, psychopharmacotherapy and relief of urgent conditions taking into account age characteristics, as well as issues of prevention in psychiatry. To be able to work in a team.

Module of Pediatric Musculoskeletal Diseases and Intensive and Emergency Medicine in pediatrics Part 1- Orthopedics, traumatology

Amount of credits-7
Type of control- exam
At the end of the discipline, students will be able to conduct examinations of children with injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, differential diagnosis and formulate a clinical diagnosis, determine indications for conservative and operative treatment, provide medical assistance for the most common injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system, demonstrate skills effective teamwork, professional erudition.

Module -Infectious, Skin and Venereal Diseases children (Dermatovenereology, including GP; Infectious diseases)

Amount of credits-7
Type of control- exam
As a result of studying the module, students will be able to demonstrate: knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of the most common skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections, with the provision of modern diagnostic and therapeutic assistance in accordance with the principles of evidence-based medicine and modern achievements of therapeutic and diagnostic technologies; apply methods of prevention and rehabilitation of skin and venereal diseases in children and adolescents.

Module - Kidney and Urinary Diseases in children, and Clinical Toxicology (Nephrology and toxicology, including in the work of the outpatient pediatricican, Clinical anatomy and operative surgery, Urology, Clinical laboratory diagnostics, Radiology)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, students will be able to identify the etiopathogenesis of renal diseases and acute poisonings, identify the main nephrological syndromes and markers of kidney damage, carry out differential diagnostics, make the correct diagnosis, draw up a treatment plan using a patient-centered approach, working effectively with doctors and other specialists. They can think critically, constantly improve, adhering to high ethical standards, the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Module - Diseases of Digestive System in children (Gastroenterology, incl. In the work of the OP, Clinical anatomy and operative surgery, Abdominal surgery, incl. in the work of the OP, Pediatric Infectious diseases, Pharmacology, Clinical and laboratory diagnostics of Pediatric Nutriciology, Pediatric Radiology)

Amount of credits-12
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, the student will learn the etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, clinical laboratory, instrumental and differential diagnostics, diagnosis skills, the appointment of conservative, surgical treatment based on evidence-based medicine, based on knowledge of gastroenterology, topographic anatomy and operative surgery, general surgery, surgical and infectious diseases, pharmacology, nutritional science. Apply methods of prevention of gastroenterological diseases. Be able to work in a team.

Module -Public Health-(Basics of Medical Law, Public Health, Basics of preventive medicine)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
Discipline reveals the concept of medical law, sources, legal status of health workers, citizens and organizations, the grounds and procedure for bringing to civil and administrative responsibility of medical workers. Criminal liability for professional offenses in medical practice. Ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population. Protecting the interests of the medical organization and minimizing the risks of litigation arising from the provision of medical services. Develops scientifically based strategic approaches to solving problems.

Module of Musculoskeletal Diseases and Intensive and Emergency Medicine, Part 2 - Intensive and Emergency Medicine: Pediatric Emergency Medicine

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
After studying this discipline, bachelors will be able to professionally and professionally examine a patient, carry out differential diagnostics, assess emergency situations, provide emergency medical care, basic reanimation; follow the standards of diagnosis and treatment; demonstrate teamwork skills; establish relationships with patients and their relatives; analyze the results of scientific publications, write articles .; use IT technologies.

Module of Basics of Clinical Research, Locomotion and Reproductive Health: Part 3 - Human reproductive health (Pathology) (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy, Pharmacology, Radiology, Propedeutics of internal diseases)

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
In the third part of the module, students study the pathological processes of tissues and organs of the male and female reproductive system at the macro- and microscopic level, the main clinical symptoms, radiological semiotics, diagnosis and prevention, and principles of treatment of the human reproductive system. As a result, students will be able to demonstrate leadership in their professional activities.

Module - Basics of Neurology (Pathology), Part 1 - Analyzers and higher nervous activity (pathology) (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy, Radiology, Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases, Communication skills, General Surgery)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
After studying the module, students will apply knowledge and demonstrate practical skills regarding the general principles of functioning of higher nervous activity and sensory systems in pathological processes, taking into account age characteristics, main clinical symptoms, radiological semiotics, diagnosis and prevention, the principles of conservative and surgical treatment; have communication skills, demonstrate leadership in professional activities.

Module of Nutrient Uptake and Homeostasis (Pathology), Part 1 - Nutrient uptake and Metabolism (Pathology) (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy, Pharmacology, Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
After studying the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of pathological physiology, pathological characteristics, diagnosis, clinical manifestations of dysfunctions of the digestive system and metabolic disorders in various age groups, pharmacological correction taking into account pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics; demonstrate leadership in professional activities; skills in clinical thinking, research, application of IT — technologies and effective teamwork.

Module of Pediatric Thoracic Diseases, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Haematology and Oncology, Part 1 - Thoracic Diseases (Pulmonology, incl. in the work of the general practitioner, Radiology, Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery, Thoracic Surgery, Phthisiopulmonology including GP)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
Upon completion of training, students will be able to diagnose major diseases of the lungs and bronchi, carry out differential diagnostics with cancer and tuberculosis of the lungs and bronchus in children, prescribe treatment. Apply methods of prevention and rehabilitation of bronchopulmonary diseases, demonstrate effective teamwork skills, research skills, public speaking and publication of research results.

Module of Pediatric Cardiovascular diseases and endocrinology, Part 1 - Cardiac and Vascular Diseases (Cardiology, including in the work of the outpatient pediatrician, Pharmacology Clinical and Laboratory Diagnostics, Radiology Clinical anatomy and operative surgery; Heart surgery, primary care level)

Amount of credits-9
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the etiopathogenesis, clinical symptoms, radiological semiotics of clinical, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics, skills of diagnosis and differential diagnosis with diseases of the musculoskeletal system (group of connective tissue diseases), appointment of conservative or surgical treatment of cardiovascular diseases, based on knowledge of pharmacology, clinical anatomy, general surgery, surgical diseases based on evidence-based medicine. Applying methods of prevention and rehabilitation.

Module of Respiration and Circulation (pathology), Part 1 - Circulation (pathology) (Pathological physiology Pathological anatomy, Radiology, Pharmacology Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases, General Surgery)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
After studying the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis, morphological characteristics of the pathology of the heart, blood vessels, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, radiological semiotics in various age groups, general surgery of the heart and blood vessels; skills of clinical thinking, pharmacological correction, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics of drugs, will be able to conduct research using IT technologies, demonstrate teamwork skills.

Module of Basics of Clinical Research, Locomotion and Reproductive Health, Part 2 - Movement (Pathology) (Pathological physiology Pathological anatomy, Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases, Radiology, Orthopedics and Traumatology, General Surgery)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
After studying the second part of the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of pathological anatomy, pathological physiology, radiological norm of the locomotor apparatus at different ages, skills in assessing the clinical, radiological symptoms of locomotor apparatus diseases, general principles of surgical treatment of the musculoskeletal system, basics of traumatology and orthopedics in children and adults, based on the principles of evidence-based medicine.

Module of Pediatric Cardiovascular diseases and endocrinology, Part 2 – Pediatric Endocrinology (Pediatric endocrinology, including general practitioner; Pharmacology, Radiology)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
As a result of the training, students will be able to diagnose the main diseases of the endocrine system, carry out differential diagnostics and treatment, guided by national standards, use the patient-centered approach in communication, be empathetic, use IT technologies to search for information, demonstrate effective teamwork skills, and research skills. , public speaking and publication of research results.

Module of Nutrient Uptake and Homeostasis (Pathology), Part 2 - Homeostasis and Excretion (Pathology) (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy, Pharmacology, Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propaedeutics of childrens diseases, General surgery)

Amount of credits-6
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, students will demonstrate knowledge of the pathomorphological structure of the urinary system, disorders of the mechanisms of urine formation, pathology of water metabolism, and acid-base status; etiology, pathogenesis, morphological changes, diagnosis, clinical manifestations, principles of pharmacological correction of syndromes in different age groups; clinical thinking skills, teamwork; will be able to conduct research using IT — technology.

Module of Pediatric Thoracic Diseases, Allergology and Clinical Immunology, Haematology and Oncology, Part 2 - Clinical immunology and allergology in children

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
According to the results of studying the discipline, students will be able to apply their knowledge in setting the correct diagnosis, assessing the severity of clinical manifestations of allergic diseases and the nature of immune damage in allergopathology, carry out differential diagnostics of diseases, make a treatment and prevention plan taking into account the latest achievements. They will be able to demonstrate in communication a patient-centered approach and a team working method.

Module of Respiration and Circulation (pathology), Part 2 - Respiration (pathology) (Pathological physiology Pathological anatomy, Radiology, Pharmacology Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases, General Surgery)

Amount of credits-7
Type of control- exam
The module studies pathological changes, examination and physical methods of examination, the study of symptoms and syndromes of adults and children, features of radiation diagnosis and pharmacotherapy of diseases and general surgery of the respiratory system. The student will be able to assess clinical manifestations, collect information, assess the impact of social factors, show empathy, learn teamwork, skills in clinical thinking and research.

Module - Basics of Neurology (Pathology), Part 2- Nervous and endocrine regulation (pathology) (Pathological physiology, Pathological anatomy, Radiology, Pharmacology Propedeutics of internal diseases, Propedeutics of childrens diseases, Communication skills)

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
After studying the module, students will be able to analyze the etiopathogenetic, morphological characteristics, radiological semiotics and clinical manifestations of neuro-endocrine regulation disorders in various age groups, conduct a clinical interpretation of the data, use elements of clinical examination and pharmacological correction; demonstrate skills in clinical thinking, teamwork, demonstrate leadership in professional activities.

Part 3 – Pediatric Hematology and Oncology (Hematology, Oncology, Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics, Radiology, Pharmacology)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
Модуль предоставляет знания и практические навыки, связанные с этиопатогенезом, клинико-лабораторной и инструментальной диагностикой, дифдиагностикой, лечением и профилактикой наиболее распространенных гематологических и онкологических патологий, опираясь на знания патофизиологии, патоанатомии, фармакологии и использовать принципы доказательной медицины. Предоставлять пациенту и его семье информацию по паллиативной помощи, уходу за здоровьем с целью профилактики рака.

Module - Immune Response and Infection Part 2 – Infections (Microbiology, Pathological anatomy, Infectious and Tropical diseases, HIV, TB Clinical and laboratory diagnostics, Pharmacology General surgery)

Amount of credits-10
Type of control- exam
Having studied the module, the student will be able to demonstrate knowledge of the etiopathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment, anti-epidemiological measures of infectious, tropical diseases, tuberculosis, surgical infections, based on knowledge of microbiology, pathological anatomy, pharmacology, according to the principles of evidence-based medicine and regulatory documents , applying a patient-oriented approach and teamwork, taking into account knowledge of clinical, biomedical sciences, IT technology.


Forensic Medicine in pediatric practice and Clinical Pathology

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
Studying the discipline, students become familiar with medical and biological issues in legal practice when dealing with cases of offenses of medical workers. They will study the structure, causes, categories of discrepancies of clinical and pathological anatomical diagnoses, possible complications, outcomes, prognosis, consequences of diseases. They will be able to conduct research using IT technologies, demonstrate skills in effective teamwork and professional erudition.

Clinical Pharmacology in children

Amount of credits-3
Type of control- exam
Formation of skills to conduct adequate choices and prescribe the most effective and safe drugs; determine the optimal dosing regimen, method of administration, taking into account the parameters of the drug, age, sex, physiological and / or pathological profile in a particular patient; recommend effective and safe combinations of drugs; predict and identify in the early stages side effects of drugs and carry out their correction.

Module of Public Health, Part 2 : Neonatology, Geriatrics and Family Medicine

Amount of credits-7
Type of control- exam
According to the results of studying the discipline, students will be able to apply in medical practice knowledge of the etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, laboratory and instrumental diagnostics of the most common diseases in newborns. They will acquire the skills of differential diagnosis, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases of the neonatal period, get acquainted with the peculiarities of feeding newborns and a comprehensive assessment of the health status of older people.

Module - Emergency Medicine: Skills and Procedures

Amount of credits-4
Type of control- exam
After passing this module, the graduate will master the basic practical skills and procedures for the implementation of diagnostics and treatment for life-threatening conditions and diseases. It will be able to conduct basic cardiopulmonary resuscitation, stop shocks, use drugs for the treatment of pain and distress; stop bleeding; assist with injuries.
It will be able to provide first medical, medical and specialized care; carry out medical sorting and evacuation of victims.

Clinical Module of Neurosciences in pediatrics, Part II (Basics of Pediatric Ophthalmology, Otolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery)

Amount of credits-5
Type of control- exam
The student will know the etiopathogenesis, modern methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, make a plan for conservative or surgical treatment of patients with eye pathology, ENT and maxillofacial surgery. Professionally interact with the patient and his family. Demonstrate effective teamwork skills with doctors of other specialties. To be able to carry out statistical processing of data and write articles.