Elective Disciplines M

Model graduating student
Program passport
Mandatory disciplines
Elective Disciplines
Professional internships


Basic disciplines


Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
Basic concepts of statistical analysis. Indicators of descriptive statistics: measures of central tendency, measures of dispersion, their practical significance for biomedical research. Comparison of experimental groups on studied traits. Testing Statistical Hypotheses. Methods for assessing the reliability of differences between experimental groups on studied indicator. Statistical criteria (parametric, non-parametric). Relationship Analysis. Causal link, the link-association.

Innovative aspects of clinical pathophysiology

Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
After graduation of the discipline, the masters will demonstrate developing knowledge and understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of general pathological processes, apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems within interdisciplinary areas related to the research topic; Will be able to summarize the results of research and analytical work while conducting a literature review

Basics of methodology of teaching in medicine

Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
The student will have an idea about the role of the methodology of teaching in medical sciences, will have the skills of organizing educational activities. Master the methods of teaching medical disciplines; use modern information technologies in the educational process; will be able to communicate professionally; expand and deepen the knowledge necessary for daily professional activity and continuing education in doctoral studies.

Fundamentals of Bioethics

Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
The concept, principles and rules of bioethics. Fundamentals of ethical regulation of biomedical research: international and national regulatory documents. Ethical issues of healthcare development. Balancing benefit and risk. Particularly vulnerable groups. Research design and ethical assessment of epidemiological research methods.


Data analysis in health and environmental epidemiology

Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
The student will be able to plan, organize and conduct statistical observation in accordance with the tasks. Will know general methodological approaches to the organization and conduct of research on the problems of public health and health care; Will know methodology, planning and organization of statistical observation (forms, types, methods and stages of statistical observation).

Health Care system legislation and рrotection of the rights of medical workers

Amount of credits-4
Type of control-exam
Undergraduates will be able to collect and interpret information to make judgments, develop arguments and solve problems in the field of social work, present a point of view regarding the material covered, analyze medical errors, rules and principles of professional medical behavior, patient and physician rights; analyze the main ethical documents of domestic and international professional medical associations and organizations; competently and independently analyze the social situation in Kazakhstan; apply labor law in specific practical situations; possess the skills of informing patients of different ages.

Using computer programs for statistical data processing

Amount of credits-3
Type of control-exam
Write and read data. Data transformation Check and edit data. Construction of tables and graphs, the calculation of statistical indicators. Monovariant, bivariant and multivariate data analysis.

Scientific fundraising

Amount of credits-3
Type of control-exam
During the study of discipline the student will be able to learn the rules and principles of scientific fundraising. Use skills to prepare, write and maintain grant applications for competitions. Apply fundraising stages: problem analysis, description of goals and objectives, determination of mechanisms and tools, budgeting, analysis of available and necessary resources, carrying out activities, analysis of the results obtained and preparation of a report.

Health Program Evaluation

Amount of credits-4
Type of control-exam
After studying the discipline, masters will be able to assess the achievement of specified target indicators using the measures provided in program; resources needed to achieve a given goal; analyze the components of the evaluation process — the main features, justify the indicators and criteria for evaluating programs, evaluating the effectiveness of the program.

Healthcare policy and strategy

Amount of credits-5
Type of control-exam
After studying the discipline, masters will be able to develop and apply skills that contribute to the achievement of medical organization objectives; They will learn practical decision-making skills that contribute to the accumulation of health resources.

Risk problems in occupational medicine

Amount of credits-3
Type of control-exam
The purpose of discipline is to manage the state of labors health, using methods dedicated to forecasting and early detection of violations in the health of the working population. Justification of methods for assessing, analyzing and preventing the harmful effects of industrial and occupational factors and ways to optimize working conditions, medical and social rehabilitation.

Sanitary requirements for torganization and maintenance of hospitals

Amount of credits-4
Type of control-exam
Health facilities are complex of specific factors of the human-hospital environment. This imposes increased sanitary and epidemiological requirements on the quality of the hospital environment for patients, on the one hand, and to working conditions of medical personnel, on the other hand. The discipline contains a system of measures for the prevention of Nosocomial infection, requirements for the design and maintenance of health facilities and the protection of motherhood and childhood.

Essential epidemiology

Amount of credits-4
Type of control-exam
The content of the discipline is the study of terminology, theory and principles of epidemiology, application of an epidemiological approaches to the study of diseases, using theory of causality and probability, epidemiological research and scientific experiments. The discipline study methods for determining cause-effect relationships by testing hypotheses on causes of the occurrence of diseases and how to prevent them, as well as, contains knowledge on use of evidence-based results in clinical medicine.