Graduate Model | Program Passport | Compulsory disciplines | Elective disciplines | Professional practices | INTERNSHIP |
Elective subjects (selection components БД/КВ)
Educational trajectory «Organization, management and economics of pharmacy and clinical pharmacy» *
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
Pharmaceutical consulting is a concept implying the responsibility of a pharmacist to a specific patient for the result of treatment with medicines and medical products. Pharmaceutical consulting includes the involvement of a pharmacist together with a doctor in active activities to ensure the health and prevent morbidity of the population.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
This discipline forms the professional knowledge, skills and skills of a specialist working in the pharmaceutical mar ket. The curri culum of the discipline is aimed at studying the basics of analysis of the recipe and turnover, forecasting the economic perfo rmance of pharmacy organizations and modern accounting in accordance with the requirements of legislation to the order of its conduct.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline considers the standards of Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP), to consolidate practical skills in regulatory legal acts, developed in order to ensure the proper quality of pharmaceutical services provided by pharmaceutical workers to the population.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline studies the development of new ways of delivering active ingredients, the use of nanotechnology and the improvement of bioavailability through new formulations and the addition of bioavailability catalysts; research of new materials and technologies to achieve a long duration of action; improving the stability and safety of LF; developing more accurate methods to prevent side effects; the use of personalized approaches to dosage. Studies automation and optimization of LF production; introduction of 3D printing and other advanced production methods; development of regulatory requirements and standards.
Educational trajectory «Pharmaceutical technology» *
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline studies the technology of homeopathic medicines used in medicine, in accordance with the principles of the homeopathic method of treatment. The discipline studies the basic rules for the manufacture of homeopathic medicines according to regulatory documents.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
`Technology of veterinary dosage forms` is focused on familiarizing students in the specialty `Pharmacy` with modern problems of industrial production of medicines, consolidating practical skills in the preparation of ready-made dosage forms and studying the scientific and technical equipment of modern pharmaceutical production of ready-made dosage forms and expanding their assortment.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline studies the theoretical foundations of the licensing process, the pharmaceutical development of drugs (ICH Q8), the basic principles of good pharmaceutical practice, the rules of production and quality control, as well as the stability and establishment of the shelf life and re-control of medicines and medical devices, the rules of state registration, re-registration and amendments to the registration dossier of a drug (drug) and medical products.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Good Distribution Practice (GDP) is a quality assurance system for warehouse enterprises and wholesale bases in the field of circulation of medicines. The goal is to preserve the quality of the product when it moves from the manufacturer to the consumer
Educational trajectory «Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy and botany» *
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
The discipline considers methods of obtaining, modern methods of developing new drugs, types of research of new drugs. At the initial stages of drug development, chemical, physical, biological, microbiological, pharmacological, toxicological and other studies are carried out on tissues (in vitro) or on laboratory animals. Then clinical studies of the obtained LV are carried out. All methods and methods of conducting these studies will be considered in this discipline.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
This scientific discipline deals with the detection, optimization and production of drugs and biologically active compounds, studies their metabolism, mode of action at the molecular level, as well as the structure-activity relationship (QSAR). It includes aspects of chemistry, biology, medicine and pharmacy.
Number of credits -5 |
Type of control- exam
The methodological foundations and principles of chemical classification, anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification of medicines, classification of the nomenclature of neogrnic and organic medicinal products are considered. Understanding the principles that influence the choice of structural types of names. Study of information on international nonproprietary names (INN).
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Standardization of medicines is understood as the process of establishing and applying quality standards of a medicinal product that ensure the safety and effectiveness of a medicinal product. The main document regulating the quality of a medicinal product is the State Pharmacopoeia of the Republic of Kazakhstan (GF RK). The ultimate goal of standardization of medicines is to create quality standards that allow to implement the tasks of providing the population with safe and effective medicines.
Elective subjects (elective component ПП/КВ)
Educational trajectory «Organization, management and economics of pharmacy and clinical pharmacy» *
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Pharmacoeconomics studies the application of methods of economic evaluation directly in relation to medical technologies. Forms methodological approaches that allow analyzing the cost effectiveness in the field of healthcare for the purpose of rational spending of funds both for an individual consumer and the state as a whole.
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
The essence of the discipline `Fundamentals of Pharmacovigilance` is the acquisition by students of knowledge about the basic laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the pharmaceutical service in pharmacovigilance. Pharmacovigilance is a system for monitoring, analyzing and evaluating information about the safety of registered medicines. The objectives of pharmacovigilance are: continuous assessment of the benefit-risk ratio throughout the entire period of circulation of medicines, medical devices and medical equipment
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
Types of medical treatment is a rapidly developing field of clinical medicine that develops a scientifically based system of principles for the use of medicines in order to interrupt or slow the development of the disease by exposing them to its cause or leading links in pathogenesis, and also to eliminate painful or unfavorable manifestations of it.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Drug history — an introductory course in a clinical discipline that involves the study of a drug prescription for a patient, the study of basic medical documentation related to this prescription. Forms professional competencies taking into account constant changes in science, pharmacy and healthcare.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Pharmaceutical merchandising is a marketing technology implemented in retail. This is a relatively new direction in the marketing arsenal, which is based on knowledge of consumer psychology. The widespread use of merchandising methods is associated with the holding of events for the sale of pharmacy products at the lowest cost compared to a traditional advertising campaign, while maintaining high sales efficiency of goods.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline `National formulary system of medicines` studies the provision of rational use of medicines within the framework of GOBMP and modern, high-quality medical care for citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Forms knowledge about the formulary system in medical organizations for periodic evaluation and selection of drugs for the formulary.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Pharmaceutical Management` studies the process of managing people, finances, production in order to achieve the task of providing the population with effective medicines and medical products. Contributes to the forecasting of the main economic indicators of the pharmaceutical enterprise, to manage the structural divisions of enterprises engaged in the field of drug circulation
Educational trajectory «Pharmaceutical technology» *
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline studies the following issues: the regularities of the processes and the description of machines and automata for obtaining various dosage forms and methods of their packaging and packaging; types and materials of packaging, rational machines and machines for packaging and packaging of a specific type of finished products, modern technology in packaging and packaging production, ensuring a given shelf life of drugs and MI.
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
The discipline studies the basic concepts and classification of parapharmaceutical products; regulatory documents regulating the turnover of parapharmaceutical products; issues of organization of production of biologically active additives; raw materials and materials for the production of biologically active additives; features of technology of biologically active additives in the form of solid, liquid and other forms
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The basic concepts of perfumes and cosmetics, the history of development, classification, terminology, methods of rational use as well as raw materials, organization and rationing of production, quality control and regulatory documents regulating the turnover of perfumes and cosmetics on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Number of credits -5
Type of control- exam |
This course outlines the basics of process validation: traditional process validation continuous process verification, a combined approach, verification of the project field, scaling, post-registration control of changes, standard and non-standard production processes, requirements for the validation plan of the process, as well as the principles of development of validation documentation (guidelines for validation of the production process of medicines for medical use)
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Diciplina studies the following issues: general issues of formulation and design of dosage forms; general terms and definitions; regulatory documents regulating the formulation and production of medicines; the concept and stages of pharmaceutical preformulation; general principles of pharmaceutical production of drugs; innovative technologies in the production of medicinal products
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline forms students` knowledge about the theoretical foundations of the process of extracting medicines, the features of the technology of extraction preparations, methods of intensification of the process of extracting biologically active substances from plant raw materials.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The purpose of studying the discipline is to master students` knowledge about the main issues of production, assessment of the safety and quality of medical devices. Production, safety and quality assessment of medical devices` is aimed at studying the safety classification, registration rules, safety and quality assessment of medical devices registered in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main issues of production of medical devices.
Educational trajectory «Pharmaceutical and toxicological chemistry, pharmacognosy and botany» *
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
The discipline studies a set of methods of analysis and standardization of raw materials of plant origin. The quality indicators are studied, the preparation of quality specifications for medicinal plant raw materials and medicinal plant preparations according to the presentation in them of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of active substances, impurities, humidity, ash, etc.
Number of credits -4
Type of control- exam |
Quality control of extemporal dosage forms studies: Intra-apical quality control of dosage forms. Features of express analysis of dosage forms. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of dosage forms manufactured in pharmacies. Analysis of dosage forms for external and internal use. Analysis of medicinal plant raw materials supplied to the pharmacy from primary suppliers. Calculation of the substance content in liquid and solid dosage forms.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Physico-chemical methods make it possible to introduce in pharmaceutical practice continuous control of raw materials, intermediates and end products for obtaining substances of medicines, medicinal substances and dosage forms prepared from them in a pharmacy. Optical, chromatographic and electrochemical methods of analysis are of the greatest practical importance in pharmaceutical practice. Theoretical and experimental bases of methods of physico-chemical analysis form the basis of the elective discipline `Physico-chemical methods of analysis in pharmacy`.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
The discipline considers methods and methods of analytical chemistry applied to biological objects, detection and quantification of medicinal substances and their metabolites in biological objects of living persons and in cadaverous material. This discipline is necessary for a pharmacist for further specialization in the field of forensic chemical examination, clinical toxicology, narcology, criminology, clinical pharmacy.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Physico-chemical methods of drug analysis have been widely used in pharmaceutical practice. These methods are characterized by high sensitivity and rapid analysis. They are based on the use of physical and chemical properties of substances. There are no two compounds with different structures (with the exception of optical isomers), but with the same IR spectra. Therefore, to determine the chemical structure of medicinal substances, there are various methods of analysis that will be studied in this discipline.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
It is based on the formation of theoretical and practical knowledge among students about the physical properties, methods of obtaining and processing, methods of physico-chemical analysis of raw materials of animal and mineral origin used for the production of medicines.
Number of credits -4 |
Type of control- exam
Pharmacognostic analysis is a set of methods for analyzing LRS, establishing their authenticity and good quality in all parameters of ND. In this discipline, students will study such sections as macro- and microscopic analysis of morphological groups of plants, issues of procurement of medicinal plant raw materials, sampling rules for quality control of raw materials and the basics of standardization of medicinal plants and medicinal plant raw materials.