Compulsory disciplines

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Pharmaceutical Botany
Number of credits -3

Type of control- exam

Pharmaceutical botany — biological science of plants includes systematics, morphology, anatomy, physiology of plants, algae, fungi used in pharmaceutical practice, is a general theoretical course and forms knowledge about the development and functions of vegetative and generative organs of plants, their structure, growth, reproduction, plant systematics.

Medical biology
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

“Medical biology” studies the biological foundations of human life at the molecular, cellular, organ-tissue, organismic, population-species levels, the fundamental property of living organisms is heredity and variability, causes and mechanisms of occurrence, the main clinical signs, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention genetically caused diseases.

Inorganic chemistry
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

It includes atomic-molecular theory, basic concepts and laws of chemistry, the theory of the structure of matter, chemical processes, the basics of thermodynamics and kinetics.

Physiology with the basics of anatomy
 Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The content, subject, methods of research of physiology, the connection of physiology with other disciplines are studied. The concept of the body and homeostasis. Physiological processes and functions of the body. Mechanisms of regulation of physiological processes. The physiology of body systems Studies the general and separately anatomical structure of the human body, the structure of the bones of the skeleton, their connection, muscles, spinal cord, cranial and spinal nerves, sensory organs, anatomy of the organs of the neck, upper and lower extremities, etc.

Pathological physiol
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

Pathological physiology studies the issues of etiology, pathogenesis, and the main manifestations of pathological processes and diseases. The knowledge gained during the study of pathophysiology allows us to understand the essence of the development of diseases, to correctly assess the dynamics of changes in the main indicators of pathology during pharmacotherapy.

Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The science of the physical and physico-chemical mechanisms of interactions that underlie biological processes that occur at different levels of organization of living matter: molecular, cellular, organismic and population.

Organic chemistry
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

Study of the structure and chemical properties of important classes of organic compounds, groups of natural biologically active compounds, as well as biopolymers and their structural components.

Biological chemistry
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

Biological chemistry studies the molecular processes underlying the development and functioning of organisms. Biochemistry uses the methods of `molecular` sciences — chemistry, physical chemistry, molecular physics.

Physical and colloid chemistry
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

This discipline forms chemical thinking, determines the patterns of physical and chemical processes and the conditions for achieving chemical equilibrium, teaches you to analyze and draw conclusions about the influence of external factors and the nature of substances on the course of chemical reactions.

Analytical chemistry
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

The science of methods for identifying chemical compounds, principles and methods for determining the chemical composition of substances. The subject of analytical chemistry is the theory and practice of chemical analysis.

Industrial ecology
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The discipline studies professional activity, taking into account the laws, regulations and ethical norms adopted in society in the field of pharmacy, to make informed decisions about professional tasks in changing environmental and social conditions; to understand problems in the field of public health, including prevention and informing the population about the most common diseases.

Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

It studies the morphology, systematics and physiological characteristics of microorganisms, the conditions of their life, their role in human nature and life in normal and pathological conditions, and develops strategic methods for their diagnosis, treatment and prevention of human infectious diseases.

First aid
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The discipline studies the basic rules of first aid in emergency situations. It is able to provide the simplest urgent measures necessary to save the life and health of the victim in case of injuries, accidents, at the scene of the incident before the arrival of a doctor or delivery of the victim to the hospital.

The history of pharmacy
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The history of pharmacy is a subject that studies the development of pharmaceutical activity and knowledge about medicines throughout the entire existence of mankind from primitive times to the present day: namely, the main laws and basic, key problems of global pharmacy in general, the development of individual pharmaceutical disciplines, such as pharmaceutical chemistry , pharmacognosy, pharmaceutical technology, management and economics of pharmacy.

Fundamentals of scientific research
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

Learning by students of the methodology and methods of quantitative research of mass phenomena and processes, measuring socio-economic phenomena in a pharmaceutical organization using statistical indicators, both in terms of their size and content, as well as statistical calculation of quantitative data from pharmaceutical research and production.

Statistical methods in pharmacy
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The knowledge gained during the study of the discipline makes it possible to understand the essence of qualitative and quantitative signs of the objects under study, the development of diseases, and correctly evaluate the results of correlation and regression analysis. To carry out statistical processing of the results of determining the specific pharmacological activity of drugs based on biological methods.

Number of credits -6

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies the general laws of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of medicines, as well as factors influencing the study of pharmacological properties of medicines; the effect of medicines on the human body is based on the achievements of modern experimental and clinical pharmacology.

The fundamentals of internal diseases
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The discipline fundamentals of internal diseases studies the etiology, pathogenesis and clinical manifestations of diseases of internal organs, their diagnosis, non-surgical treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases of the respiratory system (pulmonology), cardiovascular system (cardiology), gastrointestinal tract (gastroenterology), urinary system (nephrology), connective tissue (rheumatology), etc.

Pharmaceutical analysis
 Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The discipline studies the chemical characteristics of BAS at all stages of production, they consist in the fact that substances of various chemical nature are analyzed: inorganic, organoelement, radioactive, organic compounds. , studying their stability, establishing the expiration date and standardization of the finished dosage form. Pharmaceutical analysis has its own characteristics.

Pharmaceutical technology 1
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies the theoretical foundations and production processes of processing medicines and excipients by giving them a certain dosage form. Forms practical skills in the technology of solid, liquid, soft and gaseous dosage forms.

Pharmaceutical and medical commodity science
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline `Medical and pharmaceutical commodity science` studies the main requirements of commodity characteristics of medical and pharmaceutical products sold through the pharmacy network and widely used in medical and preventive organizations. The objects of study of the discipline are medical and pharmaceutical products, their properties and quality indicators.

Organization of pharmaceutical activities
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline organization of pharmaceutical activity studies the issues of drug supply to the population in outpatient and inpatient settings. It also studies current issues of organization of pharmacies ` activities, rules for the reception and distribution of medicines and medical devices in accordance with the rules of good pharmaceutical practices.

Bioethics and deontology in pharmacy
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

In the professional activities of pharmaceutical workers, the role of ethics and deontology has especially increased, as it helps to improve the interaction of various organizations in the pharmaceutical market. Pharmaceutical bioethics studies the moral, legal, social, environmental, biological problems that arise in the circulation of medicines and medical devices. The study of this discipline is an important aspect of the education and formation of a modern highly qualified specialist in the field of pharmacy.

The Basics of Clinical Epidemiology and Evidence-Based Medicine
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

Clinical epidemiology is one of the most rapidly developing areas of medicine, new hypotheses and theories are emerging in it, designed to explain newly accumulated facts, there is a tendency to expand the boundaries and involve new objects in its sphere. The study of this discipline is an important aspect in studying the patterns of the spread of non-infectious diseases among the population. The fundamentals of clinical epidemiology and evidence-based medicine allow us to understand the essence of the morbidity of the population; describe and explain the morbidity.

Analysis and standardization of raw materials of natural origin
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

The discipline studies a complex of methods of analysis of medicinal plant raw materials and raw materials of animal and mineral origin, allowing to determine their quality in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. Within the framework of this discipline, macroscopic analysis, microscopic analysis, commodity analysis, phytochemical analysis are studied. Application of various methods of LRS analysis, such as biological, physical and physico-chemical methods of analysis.

Social pharmacy
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

Social aspects of pharmacy – studies social problems of medicine and pharmacy, patterns of influence of social factors on the health of human collectives and determines ways to preserve and strengthen it. The theoretical basis of social pharmacy: materialistic teaching about nature and society, about the interaction of sociological and biological laws, achievements of modern medical and pharmaceutical science.

Pharmaceutical marketing
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies the process of implementing pharmaceutical care – activities aimed at meeting the needs and requirements of the population in pharmaceutical products and optimizing the pharmaceutical care market, which means analyzing the relationship between need, need, supply and demand, as well as taking into account the influences of all internal factors of the drug supply system of the population.

The legislation in the sphere of circulation of medicines and medical devices
 Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

Pharmaceutical law is a system of regulation of legal relations arising in the field of organization of drug provision and pharmaceutical activities. The discipline `Legislation in the field of circulation of medicines and medical devices` studies the issues of legal relations between patients, doctors, pharmacists, medical, pharmacy, insurance organizations, state regulatory and management bodies in the field of healthcare.

Fundamentals of business activity in pharmacy
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

Discipline forms knowledge in the activities carried out by individuals, enterprises and organizations to increase natural goods, production, acquisition, sale of goods or provision of services in exchange for other goods, services or money and mutual benefit.

Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies a set of treatment methods based on the use of drugs. Effective pharmacotherapy is based on an accurate understanding of the diagnosis and knowledge of the pathogenetic basis of the disease, the action of drugs, the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.

Herbal medicine
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

Phytotherapy — studies the use of medicinal plant raw materials and medicines based on them in medical practice, the principles of phytotherapy are considered. They can provide professional advice on the use and contraindications of herbal medicines. To search for new medicinal plants, develop new herbal preparations for the treatment of particularly significant diseases.

Analytical toxicology
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies toxic substances, the potential danger of their impact on organisms and ecosystems, mechanisms of toxic action, methods of diagnosis, prevention and treatment of poisoning. Study of the movement of toxic substances in the body: ways of their entry, distribution, biotransformation and excretion; problems of chemical and toxicological analysis at the present stage, qualitative and quantitative analysis of biological material for poisoning.

Profile disciplines of PD/ UC

Pharmaceutical chemistry 1
Number of credits — 4

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies the physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties and transformation of medicinal substances, methods and methods for obtaining active pharmaceutical substances, the structure, the relationship between the chemical structure of substances and the effect on the body; methods of quality control of medicines, qualitative and quantitative analysis and changes occurring during their storage, as well as the use of medicines in medicine.

Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

Pharmacognosy is one of the main pharmaceutical sciences that studies medicinal plants, medicinal raw materials and some products of primary processing of plant and animal origin. Performs recognition, description of medicinal plants, methods of isolation of biologically active substances, qualitative detection, physico-chemical properties, chemical composition, quantitative determination, ending with obtaining, quality control of raw materials of plant or animal origin.

Pharmaceutical chemistry 2
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

he discipline studies the methods of obtaining, structure, physical, physico-chemical and chemical properties of medicines; the relationship between the chemical structure of substances and the effect on the body; methods of quality control of medicines and changes occurring during their storage, as well as the use of medicines in medicine.

Clinical pharmacy
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The purpose of studying the discipline `Clinical pharmacy` is to master students ` knowledge on providing professional information to doctors and patients for the rational, safe and effective use of medicines, which guarantees the quality of pharmaceutical services provided to the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Fundamentals of pharmaceutical logistics
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

General stability issues. Requirements for stability in who standards (GMP). Factors that affect the stability of medicines. Stability and shelf life of pharmaceutical products. Testing the stability of dosage forms. Determining the stability of packaging materials. Alternative accelerated methods for studying drug stability.

Activities of the medical (pharmaceutical) representative
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

This discipline is one of the special pharmaceutical disciplines that forms the professional knowledge, skills and abilities of a specialist working in the pharmaceutical market. Forms the student`s knowledge of the basics of creating information systems and using new information technologies and information processing.

The concept of ensuring the quality of medicines and medical devices in the framework of GxP
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

Pharmaceutical enterprises have their own specifics, therefore, international standards have been developed, which are widely implemented in the Republic of Kazakhstan by harmonizing international into national standards. Taking into account the specifics of the discipline, it is necessary to study the information, requirements and recommendations, international rules and national GxP standards, as well as compliance with good practices throughout the life cycle of the drug.

Pharmaceutical technology 2
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

A profile discipline that determines the content of the practical activities of pharmaceutical industry technologists. Studies the theoretical foundations of the production of medicines in industrial conditions, applying the principles of the organization of the technological process and compliance with the sanitary regime in accordance with international norms and standards.

Hospital management
Number of credits -5

The type of control is dif.test

Hospital management studies the state of the hospital service of a medical organization, identifies its main problems and ways to solve them. In addition, it studies pharmaceutical and clinical aspects of drug treatment for systematic, safe, rational, effective and transparent use of medicines in medical institutions.

Basis of the study of the stability of drugs
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline studies stability as a factor in the quality of medicines. The criterion for the stability of a medicinal product is the preservation of its technological quality indicators for a certain period of time. This discipline studies the storage conditions of medicines depending on the physico-chemical properties of active substances.

Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

The discipline considers the rationale for the creation of new drugs and the improvement of existing ones, taking into account the increase in their therapeutic effect and the reduction of side effects on the body. The discipline studies the relationship between the physico-chemical properties of medicines, a specific drug therapy, auxiliary substances, technological process and their pharmacological action.

Pharmacy management and Economics
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

This discipline studies the laws of development of pharmaceutical production; the fundamentals of pharmaceutical management and the basic principles and methods of organization and enterprise management; principles, methods and forms of coordination of employees’ actions aimed at the efficient use of resources; basics of planning; drug pricing concept and methodology; economic efficiency of pharmaceutical production.

Modern information technologies in pharmacy
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

Mastering the basic principles and methods of collecting and processing information of a professional nature with the use of software for the implementation of relevant tasks, information about modern computer technologies in pharmaceutical technology, the formation of students` knowledge in the field of modern information technologies and their application in pharmaceutical information systems at all stages of the life cycle of a drug, taking into account the requirements imposed on them.

Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
Number of credits -5

Type of control- exam

The discipline of pharmaceutical biotechnology studies the possibilities of using living organisms, their systems or their metabolic products to solve technological problems, to monitor the quality of medicines, pharmaceutical substances, and excipients.

Modern aspects of fiteering
Number of credits -4

Type of control- exam

Modern aspects of phytoniring (from the English phito-plant and engineering — development, technology) this is a new promising direction that allows using the most modern scientific methods to identify the active substances of plants and on their basis to develop and produce medicines using innovative technologies. The introduction of phytoniring monitors all processes necessary for the manufacture of preparations from plant raw materials, starting with the sowing and cultivation of medicinal plants and ending with quality control of active components and finished products.

Preclinical study
Number of credits -4

The type of control is dif.test

Preclinical research studies the need for the process of developing any new drug or expanding indications for the use of a drug already known to doctors, forming the knowledge that tests cannot be replaced by studies on tissues (in vitro) or on laboratory animals, including primates.