Compulsory disciplines

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General education subjects/ Required component:

History of Kazakhstan

Number of credits — 5
Type of control — State exam
Description: The discipline forms students’ historical consciousness based on objective historical knowledge about the main stages of the history of the development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, analysis of the problems of the formation and development of statehood and historical and cultural processes in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Kazakh/Russian language

Number of credits — 10
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline is aimed at ensuring high-quality assimilation of the Kazakh / Russian language as a means of social, intercultural, professional communication through the formation of communicative competencies at the level of language use, providing the basis for its use as a means of communication with the patient and colleagues.


Number of credits — 5
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline forms students’ openness of consciousness, readiness for spiritual modernization, independent critical thinking, the cult of knowledge and education, the assimilation of such key worldview concepts as justice, dignity, and freedom; contributes to the development and formation of a system of accepted values, tolerance, independent critical thinking and others.

Module of socio-political knowledge

Number of credits -8
Type of control — Exam
Description: The module forms the social and humanitarian worldview of students, in the context of solving problems of modernizing public consciousness, based on an integrated study of sociology, political science, cultural studies, psychology. Studies the organization and political life of society; the system of society; the laws of functioning and development.

Information and communication technologies

Number of credits — 5
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline forms an understanding of the role and importance of modern information and communication technologies in the era of digital globalization; new «digital» thinking; skills in the use of modern information and communication technologies. Forms the skills of input, search and analysis of scientific and evidence-based information.

Foreign language (English)

Number of credits — 10
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline forms intercultural and communicative competences; ability to speak, read and communicate; aimed at developing students’ abilities to work with English-language sources of literature; language communication; ability to speak, read and communicate;forms basic skills for further development of professional English.

Physical education

Number of credits -8
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms the social and personal competencies of students and the ability to purposefully use the means and methods of physical culture to preserve and strengthen health; increasing learning ability, resistance to stress, improving functional and motor capabilities; achievement of life and professional goals; promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

General education disciplines (GED / UC)

Module – Introduction to the profession:

Fundamentals of Medical ethics, academic integrity and anti-corruption

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The module forms an understanding of the basics of medical ethics, academic honesty, compliance with moral and ethical standards in the academic, scientific, and clinical environment. Forms basic ideas about the specifics of medical ethics and deontology, the peculiarities of the relationship between health care professionals.

Medical Ecology

Number of credits — 2
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies aspects of the complex impact of the environment on human health; considers the possible causes of the development of diseases in direct connection with the environment, considering the diversity of environmental factors, forms of diseases and human genetic characteristics.

Basic disciplines, compulsory component – BD CC

Foreign language (professional)

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline is based on a functional and communicative approach to learning English. The goal is to form a sufficient vocabulary for professional and electronic communications; analysis of foreign scientific literature and evidence; writing essays, theses, resumes, scientific articles; registration of the results of scientific research.

Management and management Psychology

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline is focused on the formation of knowledge, skills, and personality traits that allow you to manage the work of the organization and medical personnel through effective communication technologies; commitment to ethical principles; make scientifically based management decisions in accordance with the current regulatory framework of the healthcare system.

Basic disciplines/The university component

Cytology and Molecular Biology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms basic ideas about the basic properties and manifestations of life at the cellular and molecular levels; examines the features of the structure and functions of nucleic acids; principles and mechanisms for the implementation of hereditary information; molecular bases of cell structure and function.

Human anatomy

Number of credits — 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge about the structure of the human body, organ systems and individual organs of the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, central and peripheral nervous systems, digestive, endocrine and urogenital, aking into account age, gender and individual characteristics. Knowledge of human anatomy is necessary for the subsequent study.

Basics of Medical Terminology

Number of credits — 2
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline is aimed at mastering the basics of internationally recognized Latin medical terminology in the field of general anatomy, pharmacy with a general recipe, diseases, and clinical problems. Knowledge gained will allow graduates to use Latin terminology in the process of describing anatomical structures, writing prescriptions, and diagnosing.

Medicinal chemistry

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the physical properties of biologically important molecules, molecular complexes, cells, membranes, tissues and complex biological systems; physical and physical processes occurring in them; rheological properties of blood; rheographic examinations of organs and tissues; classifications and mechanisms of operation of medical devices; forms of energy.

Medical Biophysics

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the physical properties of biologically important molecules, molecular complexes, cells, membranes, tissues and complex biological systems; physical and physical processes occurring in them; rheological properties of blood; rheographic examinations of organs and tissues; classifications and mechanisms of operation of medical devices; forms of energy.

Histology and human embryology

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and understanding of the features of the development and structure of cells and the extracellular matrix; the ability to explain their functional relationship; to identify cells and various tissues, explain their classification, histogenesis and function; the ability to differentiate human organs and interpret their structural features.

Biological chemistry

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies the basic biochemical processes occurring in the human body. Examines the structure and functions of proteins, nucleic acids, the main classes of enzymes; stages of energy metabolism, metabolism and their regulation; biochemistry of biological environments and tissues of the body, their composition, significance; main biochemical parameters.

Oral Histology and Embryology

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and understanding of the features of the formation and structure of organs and tissues of the oral cavity, the ability to explain their functional relationship; skills in working with preparations and a light microscope; identification of cells and tissues of the oral cavity.

Human physiology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms understanding of the features of the functions and regulation of the human body; physiological integration of organ systems to maintain homeostasis. Studies the neuronal and hormonal mechanisms of homeostasis; physiological processes occurring in the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive, nervous, urinary and endocrine systems of the human body.

Communication skills of a dentist

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms the skills of effective verbal and non-verbal communication, compliance with the principles of ethics and deontology in relation to patients, members of their families in different situations; teamwork; reflection, self-assessment and group evaluation as tools for continuous personal and professional growth.

Oral Microbiology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline studies the composition of the microbial flora of the oral cavity in normal and pathological processes; the role of microorganisms in the etiology and pathogenesis of oral diseases; the influence of varied factors on microorganisms; methods interpretation of the results of the study, and infection control in dentistry.

Pathological anatomy

Number of credits — 4
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline forms basic knowledge in the field of typical pathological processes and morphological changes in organs, tissues, cells, in the occurrence, development and outcomes of the most common diseases. Forms practical skills in the recognition, identification of pathological changes in cells and tissues; the ability to differentiate pathological processes.

Pathological physiology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline studies the laws of the emergence, development and outcome of typical pathological processes; features and nature of dynamic changes in physiological functions in various pathological conditions of the body; typical pathological changes in the human body in common diseases and their relationship with changes in the oral cavity.

Oral Biochemistry

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline forms knowledge about biochemical processes in the oral cavity in normal and pathological conditions; skills in identifying pathological processes through biochemical studies; use of methods of biochemical analysis and interpretation of results for scientific research in dentistry.

Fundamentals of hygiene and epidemiology

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies sanitary norms and rules aimed at preventing diseases, promoting health and prolonging life, the influence of environmental factors on human health. Forms knowledge about the epidemic process, organization and conduct of anti-epidemic measures in accordance with the regulatory framework of the health care system.

Public Health and Social Aspects of Dental Practice

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies the social conditioning of health and the factors influencing it; medical and social aspects of demography, morbidity rates of the population; organization of the dental care system; regulations and performance indicators of the dentist accordance with the regulatory framework of the health care system.


Number of credits — 4
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline studies the classification, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics of drugs used general and local drug treatment of common dental diseases; drug interactions and their effects on organs and tissues; Indications and contraindications for use. Develops the skills of planning drug treatment of common dental diseases, writing prescriptions.

Module - Fundamentals of Evidence-Based Medicine, Biostatistics and Bioethics

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The module is aimed at the study and reasonable application of statistical methods for processing experimental data. Examines aspects of interdisciplinary research; ethicall aspects of scientific activity. Examines the principles of evidence-based decision-making on the conduct of treatment, diagnostic and preventive measures. Forms the skills of searching and analyzing information.

Academic Writing and Research Fundamentals

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The module is aimed at developing the ability to express and justify one’s thoughts by writing a convincing scientific text; familiarization of students with scientific knowledge. Forms basic skills of independent work with sources of scientific information and software and hardware; critical thinking skills; writing essays, abstract reviews; theses, articles.

Organization and conduct of scientific research

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and practical skills in the field of choosing a research topic; definition of the object and subject of research; definition of goals and objectives; hypothesis development; drawing up a research plan; selection of subjects; choice of research methods; organization of conditions for the study, etc.

Oral immunology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies general concepts about the structure and functioning of the immune system; functional features of congenital and adaptive mechanisms of the oral mucosa in normal and pathological conditions; principles of modern prophylaxis and immunotherapy of dental diseases; the use of methods of immunological analysis and interpretation of results.

Clinical anatomy of the head and neck

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the layered structure of the brain and facial part of the head, neck areas, external landmarks; fascia and cellular spaces; projection lines of blood vessels and nerves; neck triangles. Forms the basis of clinical and anatomical justification for surgical interventions in the maxillofacial region.

Basics of General Surgery

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms basic knowledge and skills in the field of asepsis, antiseptics, dysmurgia; clinic, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of common and dangerous surgical diseases. Studies algorithms and forms practical skills in providing emergency medical care for life-threatening conditions: bleeding, burns, frostbite, electrical trauma, dislocations, fractures, peripheral circulatory disorders.

Basics of internal diseases

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies the etiology and pathogenesis of common diseases of internal organs. Forms practical skills in assessing the general condition of the patient, identifying symptoms of common and dangerous diseases of internal organs; forms practical skills in providing emergency medical care for life-threatening conditions.

Basics of childhood diseases

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms basic knowledge in the field of common and dangerous diseases in children (pathology of the respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract, infectious diseases) and their manifestation in the oral cavity; skills in identifying and interpreting the symptoms of common and dangerous diseases in children and adolescents for emergency care.

Basics of otorhinolaryngology

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline forms basic knowledge in the field of clinic and diagnosis of the most common diseases of the ear, nose, and throat; ideas about their relationship with diseases of the maxillofacial region. Forms skills in identifying, interpreting the symptoms of common and dangerous diseases; skills in providing emergency care.

Basics of skin and sexually transmitted diseases

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies the clinical manifestations and algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of common and dangerous skin and sexually transmitted diseases. Forms the skills to identify the clinical symptoms; transmitted diseases, including, in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region; skills in providing emergency care and referrals to a specialist.

Fundamentals of infectiology

Number of credits — 4
Type of control — Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge in etiology, pathogenesis, clinic, diagnosis, common and socially significant infectious diseases, their manifestations in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region; identification and assessment of biological risks. Forms the skills of early detection of symptoms of infectious diseases for the timely provision of emergency care.

Fundamentals of Medical Law

Number of credits — 3
Type of control — Differential offset
Description: The discipline studies the regulation of health care in the modern legal system; functions of medical law in dental activities; legal regulation of health care within the framework of the current legislation. Examines offenses in health care, the legal responsibility of medical workers; legal basis for medical secrecy.

Fundamentals of Forensic Medicine

Number of credits — 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms basic knowledge about the methods of research and expert assessment of facts, based on which issues of a medical and biological nature are resolved in the process of legal proceedings, within the framework of the current legislation; causes of medical errors, negligence that occur in dental practice.

Basic disciplines, university component – BD UC:

Biology of the oral cavity

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline aimed at the formation of knowledge and understanding of the functions, regulation and physiological integration of organs, tissues, and biological environments of the oral cavity in maintaining homeostasis. The content of the discipline includes the study of the mechanisms of homeostatic control of complex processes.

Dental modeling

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and practical skills, focused on the detailed study and reproduction of the morphological structure of the crown of the tooth, functional purpose of anatomical formations of teeth. Forms the skills of studying and evaluating the shape of teeth; work with dental instruments and materials.

Preparation of teeth

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies dental instruments, methods, and technologies of mechanical excision of hard tissues of the tooth to form a stump, in accordance with the planned design of a fixed prosthesis. Forms practical skills for the maximum preservation of the biomechanical characteristics of the tooth.

Fundamentals of Medical Anthropology

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms knowledge about medical systems that have existed and exist in different societies; traditions of healing; perception and experience of health and disease conditions by representatives of various societies. Forms tolerance in relation to ethno-cultural ideas; skills of reflection, collection, analysis of information; the basics of research activities.

Bloodborne infections and biosafety in dental practice

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms a holistic view of biosafety in dental practice in accordance with the current regulatory framework of the health care system; diagnosis; prevention of bloodborne infections (HIV infection, viral hepatitis, etc.). Forms decision-making skills on biosecurity of medical personnel. Considers the prevention of the spread of infectious pathogens.

Fundamentals of psychotherapy in dental practice

Number of credits — 9
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms an understanding of the forms and methods of psychotherapeutic practice, the technique of psychotherapy based on patient-centered care; the ability to determine the psychological problems of a dental patient; the use of effective forms of communication and methods of psychotherapeutic influence in the course of dental treatment.

Fundamentals of Conflictology in Dental Practice

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the essence, structure, functions, classification of conflicts; basic methods of communication and correction of conflict interaction; constructive ways to resolve the conflict. Forms the ability to determine the structure and dynamics of the development of the conflict; ethical skills; diagnostic methods to study conflict interaction.

Major disciplines, university component, MD UC:

Fundamentals of therapeutic dentistry

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: Discipline shapes knowledge and practical skills in the field of the basics of organizing therapeutic dental care; clinical anatomy of permanent teeth; stages, and features of preparation of carious cavities. Forms practical skills in working with modern dental equipment, instruments, and filling materials in a safe environment (on simulators).

Basics of pediatric dentistry

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the features of the antenatal and postnatal periods of development and morphology of the пре system and maxillofacial region in children and adolescents at different age periods; features of the clinical anatomy of temporary and permanent teeth with unformed roots; Features of communication with children and adolescents.

Basics of prosthetic dentistry

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge in the organization of prosthetic dental care and the work of the dental laboratory; work with dental equipment, basic and auxiliary materials used in the clinic of prosthetic dentistry; basics of modeling dental crowns; reproduction of the anatomical features of the anterior and chewing teeth.

Basics of surgical dentistry

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge in the field of the basics of the organization of surgical dental care; providing asepsis and antiseptics and infection control at dental appointments. Forms practical skills of working with tools for surgical dental reception, equipment, and materials (on dental phantoms and simulators).

Occlusion and jaw function

Number of credits — 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the methods of examination of the patient in the clinic of prosthetic dentistry; functional characteristics of the main groups of teeth; the structure of the dentition, the factors of their stability; periodontal resistance to chewing pressure; types of occlusions; characteristics of the movements of the lower jaw.

Local anesthesia in dentistry

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the issues of local anesthesia in the treatment of dental diseases, considering he anatomical and physiological features of the maxillofacial region. Forms the skills of application, infiltration, conduction anesthesia in the oral cavity and maxillofacial region; the ability to choose a local anesthetic drug for anesthesia.

Prevention of dental diseases

Number of credits– 7
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and skills in the field of examination of a dental patient; index assessment and hygienic education of patients in the rules of oral care; primary prevention of dental diseases; methods of dental education, based on a patient-centered approach.

Fundamentals of Conflictology in Dental Practice

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the essence, structure, functions, classification of conflicts; basic methods of communication and correction of conflict interaction; constructive ways to resolve the conflict. Forms the ability to determine the structure and dynamics of the development of the conflict; ethical skills; diagnostic methods to study conflict interaction.

Fundamentals of Conflictology in Dental Practice

Number of credits — 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the essence, structure, functions, classification of conflicts; basic methods of communication and correction of conflict interaction; constructive ways to resolve the conflict. Forms the ability to determine the structure and dynamics of the development of the conflict; ethical skills; diagnostic methods to study conflict interaction.

Caries and non-carious lesions of the hard tissues of the tooth

Number of credits– 7
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge of the etiology and pathogenesis of the pathology of the hard tissues of the tooth; skills in collecting anamnesis, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment of caries and non-carious lesions of the tooth in adults, based on a patient-centered approach.

Dental radiology

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and practical skills in the use of several types of radiation to assess normal and pathologically altered organs and tissues of the maxillofacial region, for the purpose of diagnosis of dental diseases. Forms the skills of interpreting the results of radiation diagnostics for common dental diseases.

Basics of endodontics

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the morphology of the endodontist, the topography of the cavities of permanent teeth; specificity of root canals of teeth of different anatomical groups. Forms the skills of work with hand and machine endodontic instruments and materials for obturation of root canals on a phantom / simulator.

Oral surgery

Number of credits– 6
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the provision of surgical dental care to adults. Forms the skills of examining a patient, a surgical dental profile, interpreting data; diagnostics, simple treatment of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and others; carrying out a tooth extraction operation, based on patient-centered care.

Fixed prosthetics

Number of credits– 6
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and practical skills in the field of examination of patients with defects in the hard tissues of teeth and dentition; diagnostics and prosthetic methods of treatment (inlays, on lays, pin teeth, veneers, three-quarter crowns, full artificial crowns, bridges), based on patient-centered care.

Clinical endodontics

Number of credits– 5
Type of control–Exam
Description: The discipline forms modern ideas about the etiology and pathogenesis of pulp and periodontal diseases in adults. Forms the skills of examination, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, emergency care for acute toothache; treatment of diseases and injuries of the pulp and periodontium, based on patient-centered care.

Removable prosthetics

Number of credits– 6
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies clinical manifestations, methods for diagnosing partial and complete defects of the dentition; the biological and clinical justification for the use of removable dentures; skills of clinical examination of patients; methods of prosthetic treatment with constructions of partial, full removable dentures; based on patient-centered care.

Pediatric caries and endodontics

Number of credits– 7
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge of the features of the clinical manifestations of the pathology of the hard tissues of the tooth, pulp, periodontium, in children and adolescents. Forms the skills of clinical examination, diagnostics; local anesthesia; features of the treatment, based on patient-centered care.

Oral surgery in children

Number of credits– 3
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms modern ideas about the features of clinical manifestations, diagnosis and treatment of common inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity in children and adolescents; pain relief skills; tooth extraction surgery in pediatric dental practice; based on patient-centered care.

Basics of orthodontics

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the processes of normal development of the maxillofacial region in different age periods associated with the prospect of the implementation of individual skeletal growth and morphophysiological construction of the dentoalveolar system; classification of dentoalveolar anomalies. Forms the basic skills of examining patients and interpreting the results obtained.

Basics of emergency care and reanimation in dental practice

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline is aimed at mastering the basic principles of diagnosing conditions that threaten human health and life and providing emergency medical care in the development of emergency conditions and homeostatic disorders; forms the basis of life support in case of sudden cardiac arrest, anaphylactic and traumatic shock and others.

Diseases of the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the classification, etiology and pathogenesis of diseases of the oral mucosa and the red border of the lips in adults. Forms practical skills in examining patients, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, prevention, treatment planning and care for common diseases, based on patient-centered care.

Head and neck diseases and the basics of oncology in dentistry

Number of credits– 7
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and practical skills in the field of examination of patients with boils, carbuncles, abscesses, phlegmon of the maxillofacial region; diseases of the trigeminal and facial nerves; diseases of the temporomandibular joint; benign, malignant tumors, tumor-like lesions of the maxillofacial region, based on patient-centered care; providing emergency care.

Clinical Prosthetic Dentistry

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the etiology, pathogenesis, features of anamnesis, clinical examination and prosthetic treatment of patients with periodontal diseases, temporomandibular joint, increased abrasion of hard tooth tissues, intolerance or negative impact of dental prosthetic materials, based on patient-centered care.Develops the skills of maintaining documentation and working in information systems.


Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms knowledge about the etiology and pathogenesis of periodontal diseases in adults; practical skills in examining patients using basic and additional methods of examination; diagnostics, treatment planning, prevention of periodontal diseases. Forms the skills of providing simple periodontal care to adults, based on patient-centered care.

Diseases of periodontal and oral mucosa in children

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms knowledge about the features of the clinical manifestations of periodontal pathology, oral mucosa and red lip border in children and adolescents. Forms the skills of clinical examination, data interpretation, diagnosis; features of the prevention and treatment of diseases, based on patient-centered care.

Basics of Maxillofacial Surgery

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline forms ideas about the fractures of the bones of the facial skeleton; forms the skills of clinical examination of the patient; providing emergency care to patients; immobilization of the jaws, based on patient-centered care; indications for hospitalization and surgical treatment.

Basics of Clinical Orthodontics

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline studies the etiology and pathogenesis of dentoalveolar anomalies; forms skills for diagnosing anomalies of individual teeth, dentition, malocclusion and jaws; the basics of the use of orthodontic appliances, the choice of their design features, based on patient-centered care.

Basics of maxillofacial prosthetics

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies methods of examination, diagnosis and approaches to prosthetic treatment of defects and deformities of the maxillofacial region: improperly fused fractures of the jaws, contractures of the jaw, microstomes, dislocations, subluxations of the lower jaw, based on patient-centered care.

Fundamentals of oral and maxillofacial surgery in childhood

Number of credits– 5
Type of control– Exam
Description: The discipline studies the principles and algorithms of examination of children and adolescents with maxillofacial pathology, the stages of diagnosis, differential diagnosis of inflammatory diseases (osteomyelitis, phlegmon, abscesses and others), dental injuries, diseases of the temporomandibular joint, based on patient-centered care; emergency care, indications for hospitalization.

Fundamentals of clinical pharmacology in the practice of a dentist

Number of credits– 4
Type of control– Differential credit
Description: The discipline forms knowledge and skills in choosing the most clinically effective and safe medicines, considering the specific disease and patient-centered care; patterns of influence of drugs on the patient’s body in different conditions and age periods; accessible and informative criteria for the effectiveness of the use of drugs.