The department of educational-methodical work (DEMW) is an independent structural subdivision of RSE “KazNMU named by S.D.Asfendiyarov”, established in accordance with the organizational structure of the University.
The section of educational-methodical work has been the part of the educational-methodical work since 2006-2007.
The main purpose of DEMW is to organize and coordinate the educational-methodical work at the University.
The main objectives of DEMW are:
Coordination of methodical work of chairs, standardization of educational-methodical documentation
Analysis, the study of the needs of procurement planning and publication of educational and instructional materials
Generalization and dissemination the best experiences in organizing and improving the educational-methodical work
Increasing of innovative competence of professors and teachers staff by training and information seminars, conferences and round tables
The direct involvement and assistance in the realization of reform programs of medical and pharmaceutical education in KazNMU
An associate professor, PhD, Slavko Elena Alekseyevna has become the head of the department of educational-methodical work since 2011-2012
The methodologists are working at the department:
- Zhakanova Svetlana Nursagatovna
- Taishanova Gulya Turarovna
- Akhanova Sholpan Erikovna
- Karabayeva Srazhdin Mirhaidarovich
- Tusupov Nurzhan Muhamedovna
- Bopanova Arailym Ongarbayevna
- Sydykova Kymbat Zhomartovna
We look forward to your suggestions for improving the subdivisions’ work!
Telephone: 8 (727)292-69-97
E-mail: [email protected]