More than 60 thousand specialists graduated from the University during 81 years. These specialists are now working not only in our country but also abroad.
At KazNMU education is provided according to licenses on all list of medical and pharmaceutical specialties of RK state classificator:
On 7 specialties of high professional education:
- Therapy
- Pediatrics
- Stomatology
- Pharmacy
- Oriental medicine (the last graduates in 2011)
- medico-biological business (the last graduates in 2011)
On 7 specialties of high special education (bachelor):
- General medicine
- Medico-prophylactic business
- Public health
- Pharmacy
- Stomatology
- Nursery business
- Management
On 7 specialties of mastership:
- Medicine
- Public Health
- Nursery business
- Pharmacy
- Medical prophylactic business
- Technology of pharmaceutical manufacturing (admission since 2011)
- Hygiene and epidemiology (admission since 2011)
On 7 specialties of internship:
- general practitioner
- therapy
- pediatrics
- surgery
- obstetrics and gynaecology
- stomatologist of general practice
On 31 specialties of residency;
On 3 specialties of PhD;
On 56 specialties of supplementary professional education.
More than 9200 undergraduate, 71 postgraduate students, 240 house physicians, 13 PhDs, 464 distance learners (39 nationalities) study at the University. Alongside with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan foreign citizens from India, Japan, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Belorussia, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Israel, Mongolia, Pakistan, South Korea, Moldova, Georgia, Palestine are taught.
For the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan the KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiarov developed competence focused model of medial pre-diploma education:
- based on 5 competences, corresponding to the world requirements and needs of labor market (cognitive, operational, axiological, legal problems and self-education);
- directed for training specialists, having complex of theoretical and practical skills with the formed clinical thinking and scientific approach to solving arising questions.
We are now forming the process of a new University postgraduate educational model
The University’s PTS realizes great methodical work in the scale of the Republic. For the reported period the PTS of the University took part in the development of 10 standard programs of 20 ones on disciplines of 5 course according to SOSE 2006. Departments developed educational methodic complexes of disciplines for the 5 year course students of all specialties on SOSE 2006 for 2001-2012 years, and the commission of the Republican Health Ministry gave the positive assessment.
The University passed State attestation in 2008 (order of Health Ministry of RK N 328 of 24.12.2008). In November 2008 the University applied for the National Accreditational Centre on passing institutional accreditation (N 2081-01-14, of 17.11.2008). According to the agreement N5 of 12.02.2010 the University completed procedure of self-assessment and writing an account, and now it is ready for passing institutional accreditation according to standard of NAC of RK Education and Science Ministry.
Centre of analysis, monitoring of quality education and scientific grounding medical education reforms was created in 2010. The main tasks of the centre are monitoring of quality education at the University, working-out strategy and recommendations on the development of medical education in Kazakhstan, working-out proposals for compiling SOSE of new generation.
The Centre organized teaching seminar “Teaching Excellence” for young teachers aimed at exchange of experience. The seminar was held within the frame of educational project which is sponsored by “The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs” of the American State department. The internet-conference in On-line regimen was held with the participation of Professor Uolter Klankloski from the University of South Caroline (the USA). More than 100 young teachers passed the training.
Our University and Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman have started the combined “pilot” project on distance studying on the course “Biomedical technique and technologies”(01.10-30.10.2010). 15 teachers of the University passed the training.
There were developed 2 sections of “University’s road map”, as: “Renewing and improving educational programs”, “Increasing teachers’ potential of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations” (17.03.2011).