Department for Educational and Methodical Work
The main goal of the Department is to organize and manage the educational and methodological activities of the University for the implementation of educational programs in accordance with state requirements for quality of educational process at the University.
Main tasks of the Department:
- Coordinate the methodological activities of departments, unification of educational and methodological documentation;
- To summarize and disseminate best practices in organizing and improving educational and methodological work;
- Assist in the implementation of medical and pharmaceutical education reform programs at the University.
Department location: Administration Building, 2nd floor, offices №221, №243
Contact details
Office phones: 8727 338-70-90 (7518, 7585, 7136, 7135, 7503)
Kutysheva Аiza Tleubaevna — Head of the Department for educational and methodical work.
Email: [email protected]
phone: 7518,
The senior Methodist:
Kaliyeva Meruert Nurtazaevna — curator of Bachelor’s degree programs: 5B1301000, 6B10107 «General medicine», «MMF»;
Email: [email protected],
phone: 338-70-37(71-35)
Korganbayeva Alima Ashirbekovna — curator of educational programs of Bachelor’s degree and Internship 6B10308-Pediatrics, 5B130300-Pediatrics, 5B130100 General medicine (internship);
Email: [email protected]
phone: (7503)
Zhumagulova Didar Buralkina — curator of the Bachelor’s degree program «Dentistry» including Internship and Residency.
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-37(71-36)
Alimkulova Aizada Kuanyshevna – curator of educational programs of the residency: «Hematology (adult)», «Oncology (adult)», «Otorhinolaryngology, including children’s», «Ophthalmology, including children’s», «General surgery», «Oncology and Hematology, including children’s», «Pediatrics», «Psychiatry, including children’s», «Pulmonology, including children’s», «Plastic surgery, including children’s», «Rheumatology, including children’s», «Family medicine», «Therapy», «Traumatology and orthopedics, including children’s», «Urology and Andrology, including children’s», «Endocrinology, including children’s», «Forensic — medical examination», «Emergency medical care», «Neurology, including children’s»;
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-90 EXT. (7585),
Dutbaeva Almara Serikovna – curator of educational programs of the Residency: «Obstetrics and Gynecology, including children’s», «Allergology and immunology, including children’s», «Anesthesiology and Resuscitation, including children’s», «Angiosurgery, including children’s», «Cardiac Surgery, including children’s», «Cardiology, including children’s», «Gasroenterology, including children’s», «Infectious diseases, including children’s», «Clinical pharmacology», «Physical medicine and Rehabilitation», «Radiation diagnostics», «Neonatology», «Nephrology, including children’s», «Sports medicine», «Children’s surgery», «Medical genetics», «Radiation therapy»,»Neurosurgery, including children’s», » Dermatovenerology, including children’s»;
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-90 EXT. (7030),
Asanova Meruert Nurlanovna — supervision of all educational programs of a magistracy and doctoral studies.
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-90 EXT. (7135),
Orazaev Yernur Tursynovich — curator of Bachelor’s degree programs: «Technology of pharmaceutical production», «Pharmacy».
Email: [email protected].
phone: 338-70-37(75-85)
Zhumabayeva Samal Serikovna-curator of Bachelor’s degree programs: «Public health», «Nursing».
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-37(70-33)
Zhanabayeva Aizhan Kanyshkyzy–supervision of undergraduate educational programs: «Public health», «Nursing».
Email: [email protected]
phone: 338-70-37(70-33)