Department of educational and methodical works
Gulim Izbasarova
Head of Department on educational methodological work
Contactstel: 8(727)3387090
internal number. 7503
E-mail: [email protected]
Department of educational and methodical works is the part of the Department of academic work and has no internal services and subdivisions. «DEMW» reports directly to the Director of the Department of academic work, which is a superior leader, performing in relation to the division of management and supervising the operations of the unit.
The main purpose of the «DEMW» is to provide educational and methodical work of the university.
The main objectives of the «DEMW» are:
— methodological coordination of departments, standardization of educational and training material;
— analysis, the study of needs, planning, procurement and publication of textbooks and educational methodological literature;
— compilation and dissemination of best practices for the organization and improvement of educational and methodical work;
— participation and implementation of reform programs in medical and pharmaceutical education in KazNMU.
In the framework of the goals and objectives of the «DEMW» implements the main following functions and activities:
The organizational work
— Formationof a catalog of elective disciplines in all specialties of undergraduate, graduate, internships;
— Organization of seminars for faculty members on Methodology;
-Coordination of the methodological supporting of educational and work experience.
Informational and consultation works
Implementation of analysis of controllingmethodological support of educational process at the departments of the university;
— After training departments coordination of the organizations of the educational process and methodical work of the departments on the basis of current State educational standards;
The analytical works
— Submission for consideration the university management proposals for improving quality of processes in the field of educational activities of the university;
— Analysis of availability methodical literature in the state and Russian languages, all bachelor degree specialties and the formation of applications for procurement.
— Analysis of the publishing staff of the University;
— Participation in symposiums, conferences and seminars on issues of medical education and science in Kazakhstan and abroad;
— Monitoring of the organization of teaching — methodical work, the introduction of innovative teaching methods to the departments of the university.
Personnel structure of the department of educational and methodical work:
Methodists of department:
1. DusenovaNurgulZhetpisbayevna – 2926969 (int.146)
2. SuleimenovaMairaPernebekovna– 3387090 (int. 7502)
3. Akhanova Sholpan Erikovna – 3387090 (int. 7502)
4. KarabayevSrazhdinMirhaidarovich– 3387090(int. 7502)