Delegation of EU to the Republic of Kazakhstan organized EU projects fairat the Astana Ballet theater


On 31.05.2017 Delegation of EU to the Republic of Kazakhstan organized EU projects fairat the Astana Ballet theater. KazNMU team that works with Erasmus  projects funded by European Union participated to the fair. More than 20  thousand people visited the fair, as well as EU Ambassador to RK TraianLaurantiuHristea, UNICEF, Universties of RK, Delegation of EU and etc. KazNMU team has presented four projects:

  1. TEMPUS. CANERIEH.Central Asian Network for Education, Research and Innovation in Environmental Health.


  1. Erasmus +.TUTORIAL. Strengthening Networkin Education, Research and Innovation in Environmental Health in Asia/


  1. Erasmus+. Key Action 1 -Mobility for learners and staff — Higher Education Student and Staff Mobility с University of Tartu, Estonia.
  1. ModeHEd. Modernization of medical education in Universities.


Links for the event