
On  November 8, 2012 «Day of quality: customer focus» seminar was held by Department of the quality management system, S.D. Аsfendiyarov KazNMU, for responsible for quality control system of the structural units and internal auditors QMS, coinciding with the celebration of the International Day of Quality.

University activities of any higher education institutions is aimed on implementation of normative and legal acts requirements, as well as the requirements and expectations of external and internal customers. A set of external consumer products and educational services of the University includes the state, society and potential employers, and the combination of internal — students and employees of the University.

Customer focus is one of the most important principle of ISO 9000. What is necessary not only to satisfy the consumers ‘ needs  but also exceed their expectations:

— firstly, it is necessary to create in user a feeling of confidence in the institution of higher education (positive image of the University, the availability of certificate on quality system, availability of licenses for the provision of services, the available information on the website of the University, etc.).

— secondly, it is necessary to consider periodically the problems of the consumer regarding the usage of the organization’s products and services.

—  thirdly, it is necessary to conduct periodic assessment (measurement) of consumers satisfaction.

Communication with customers (7.2.3) and customer satisfaction (8.2.1) are the requirements of international standard ISO 9001:2008 «Quality Management Systems. Requirements» and must be carried out in the universities, where the QMS is certified by the standards ISO 9000.
With the aim of improving the functioning of S.D. Аsfendiyarov KazNMU quality management system and to improving the performance of the organization activities, customer satisfaction with the quality of services measurement and analysis Department of QMS developed a Documented procedure of quality «Monitoring of customer satisfaction».

This documented procedure of quality is developed on the international standard ISO/TS 10004 «Quality management – Customer satisfaction – Guidelines for monitoring and measuring» requirements basis and regulates the process of assessment of the external and internal consumers satisfaction with the quality of provided services, and with the fixation of  KazNMU structural subdivisions’ responsibility and the determination of periodicity of the customer satisfaction monitoring.

For this normative document implementation and for data processing standardization of this customer satisfaction survey methods in the framework of the seminar the master-class «Research of satisfaction of the consumers. Statistical processing of the data» was held.

The participants got acquainted with:
— the responsible units for satisfaction research of certain groups of consumers;
— the periodicity of satisfaction surveys and analysis of the results;
— the programme of conducting satisfaction surveys;
— the typical structure of the questionnaire for the collection of data on customer satisfaction

— questionnaire samples for determining satisfaction of S.D. Аsfendiyarov КаzNMU customers.
— the unified methodology of customer satisfaction surveys’ data processing.

Department of quality management system