Academic department of public health (further – ADOPH) created under the order of the rector KazNMU “On the organization of academic departments” from the 18 of august 2010 of № 2156л based on the decision of the Academic Council (protocol № 10 from the 30 of June 2010).
The Administration of ADOPH is represented by the director and the Methodists, whose activity is regulated by the job instructions.
The first director of ADOPH was appointed Tulebaev Kazbek Agabylovich, the doctor of medical sciences, Professor (now the Vice-rector for Academic and educational work of KazNMU).
From the 17 Оctober 2011 the director of ADOPH is Kamaliev Maksut Adilhanovich, the doctor of medical sciences, professor.
The Methodists: Alimova Nurgul Ertileuovna – the Senior lecturer of General hygiene and ecology department, Altenov Askhat Maratovich.
The functioning of ADOPH is regulated by the approved Regulation about the Training Department, the activities of the administration – approved by the job instructions. ADOPH in its work is guided by the approved annual plans.
To the structure of ADOPH are included such appropriate to its profile departments:
- Occupational hygiene (head – prof. Toguzbaeva K.K.),
- Municipal health and hygiene of children and adolescents (head – prof. Nemenko B.A.),
- Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy with the right basics (head – docent Zhaksygulova G.K.),
- Nutrition (head – prof. Aldashev A.A.),
- General Hygiene and Ecology (head – prof. Kenesariev U.I.),
- Public healthcare (head – prof. Kamaliev M.A.),
- Policy and management in healthcare (head – prof. Turdaliyeva B.S.) with the courses “Economics in healthcare” (head – docent Sadyrov G.A.),
- Epidemiology (head – prof. Amireev S.A.) with the courses of “Basics of Life Safety” (head – docent Schurin V.A.).
The main achievements of ADOPH:
The Significant contribution in the model of medical education of the Kazakh National Medical University named S.D. Asfendiyarov; the positive outcome of the certification audit of Quality Management System of KazNMU; the visiting-professors program; the introduction of innovative technologies in the educational process.
Tel: (8 727) 292 64 54
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