The Academic Council

The Academic Council
Proceedings of the Academic Council
Regulatory documentation

General information

The Academic Council of  Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov is an elected consultative and advisory body. The term of office of the Academic Council-3years.

The work of The academic council is guided by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Model Regulations of the Academic Council of the higher education institution, the Charter KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov and present position.
The activities of the Academic Council is based on the principles of transparency and collective discussion of matters within its competence.


  • сreating of thenecessary conditions for thestudents andProfessor-teacher’s staff ofthe University tothe successful implementation ofvocational trainingprograms;
  • providingfinancial support, strengthen of the materialand technical baseof the university;
  • promoting the further development of the University

The competence of the Scientific Council are:

  1. Confirm of the structure of the university;
  2. Implements of additions and amendments into the Charter of the university;
  3. Establishment, reorganization and liquidation of the academic and university research units (laboratories, departments, faculties (institutes), and others);
  4. Determination of the strategy and the concept of the development of the university;
  5. Takes solutions on all basic matters of organization of educational, scientific research, international, financial, administrative and economic activity of the university;
  6. Hear of annual reports of the rector, vice-rectors of the university, deans of the faculty on the forms and methods of conducting academic, scientific research, educational, international, informational, finance and economic and administrative activity;
  7. Consideration of textbooks, tutorials and educational-methodical workouts and recommends them for publication;
  8. Takes decisions on the transfer of students from fee-based education to an educational grant and to training in the form of external studies;
  9. Approvalofsupervisorsandconsultantsmasters and doctoral candidateson dissertationresearch;
  10. Organization of the control after the financial and economic activity of the university;
  11. Determination of the use order of non-budgetary funds and the directions of re-investment of revenues, obtained by the provision of paid educational services and the realization of the produced production;
  12. The application to the Committee forControl of EducationandScience of RKon academictitle of «associate professor(docent), and a professor.»
  13. Approvaland award ofscientistsand honors, scholarshipsand awards;
  14. Consideration of matters on the submission of university employees and creative teams to state, government awards and honorary titles;
  15. Consideration of other issues on the current activities of the university, requiring collective solutions.
  16. The decisions of the Academic Councilin the protocolsigned by the chairmanandsecretary of the Academic

Academic Council meetingheld once amonth in accordancewith the approvedwork plan.

The Scientific Secretary is responsible for timely and high-quality training of materials of the Academic Board meetings and  Scientific Council  records keeping.

Preparation, application and consideration of the Academic Council KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

To prepare of the a meeting of the Academic Council KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiyarov is required no later than 10 days to the Academic Secretary of the Academic Council of the University:

  • report ( printed and  electronic form  (in the Kazakh and Russianlanguages));
  • a draft decision (the operative part — proposals for solution of this problem with responsible persons for the execution of the decisions of the Academic Council of the University and the timing of its implementation, etc.);
  • presentation.