About University

Kazakh National Medical University is a university in Almaty, Kazakhstan. It is the no.1 medical institute in all of Kazakhstan. Many of Kazakhstan’s leading physicians are affiliated with the university. It is dedicated to S.D. Asfendiyarov who was the first rector when the university was established in 1931. In 2001, the government classified it as a «national» university. There are more than 11000 students, PhD students study at KazNMU, and there are more than 1500 faculty members working at KazNMU, including more than 200 doctors of science, 130 professors, more than 500 candidates of science and 15-laureates of State prizes.

History of Kazakh National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov

In 1930 by RSFSR SP council’s decision the first  institute in Kazakhstan was founded. The first rector was S.D.Asfendiyarov, a graduating-student of Leningrad Military Medical Academy.

Sanzhar Asfendiyarov

For great services and people’s public health  development the medical institute was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of  Labour in April of 1981.

In 2001 Kazakh State medical university named after S.D.Asfendiyarov was awarded the high national status of the university.



Providence of a society with harmonically developed specialists of high and post-diploma education, presenting new knowledge in medicine and pharmacy, rendering ethic, highly qualified medical service and strongly and deeply integrated into the world’s community.


Strategic objective

Creation of effective model of competitive, innovation focused university, rendering highly qualified medical education, up-date scientific investigations on urgent problems of Public health, implemented in practical health care at a medical services market.

S.D. Asfendiyarov KazNMU view:

  • leader in training competitive specialists with high and post-diploma education of the international level;
  • scientific  research centre of development, scientific and innovative potential in the sphere of medical education and science;
  • centre of united informational field forming, providing the unity of science, education and practice, keeping and augmenting  scientific traditions with the following development of national scientific school;
  • clinical centre of advanced prophylaxis technologies, diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients;
  • leader in the system of continuous professional education;

At the university there are 76 departments and 7 courses at 6 faculties (therapeutic, pediatric, public health, management in public health and pharmacy, general medicine, professional training and 2 faculties (pharmaceutical and stomatological) departments were transformed into modules (pharmaceutical faculty  5 modules, stomatological  9 modules)


The university has introduced and certified the System of Quality Management in the field of “Development and educational services rendering in the sphere of high professional education in medicine; advanced medical high school studies of doctors and teachers; rendering therapeutic  diagnostic services; carrying on scientific investigations in medicine” (Certificate SGS (Sweden) № HU 11/5879 of June, 20,2011).

The control of System of Quality Management is being observed by 40 certified internal auditors including 5 students.

Management is realized through Supervisory board, Academic and Quality Councils weekly meetings of University administration, monthly meetings of department heads and students active bodies. For effective integration with University partners new innovative and educational consortium “Corporate University” has been created.

From September 2011 University developed the program of Innovative development for 2011-2014 years.


Professorial  teaching staff of KazNMU accounts 1712 staff units, of them there are 4 academicians of RK National academy of sciences, 2 persons of Russian academy of sciences, 10 ones  corresponding members of RK National academy of sciences, 20 ones  of preventive medicine academy and academy of natural sciences, 15 ones  of international academies, 159 Doctors of medicine, 430 candidates of sciences, 15 laureates of State premium.

Visiting professors are being involved into educational process. Recruiting department is now working within the University.

For realizing Strategy of the university development and the Program of the personnel development during 2010-2011y. The department of human resources development carried on training for PTS with10 years work experience on the below given cycles of qualification increase:

  • Basic pedagogic and psychology — 677
  • Computer skills — 888
  • Kazakh  — 300
  • English  — 250
  • Evidential medicine — 367

H.S. Nasybullin pedagogical skills school was established in accordance with the University organizational structure, approved by the Academic Council and operates under the University Article.

Education in H.S. Nasybullin pedagogical skills school was:

  1. 60% — professional development for teachers-in-training;
  2. 40% — professional development for teachers of medical schools in pedagogy.

The main activity objective is in tasks and functions realization, which are assigned to the “School” to train professional and competent professionals, who represent the reserve. The main “School” objectives are:

  • timely response to the University needs in research and personnel teaching, through training and retention at the University of highly skilled workers, which are capable of ensuring the implementation of strategic objectives and aims set by the University . Create conditions for the formation and development of young professional competence of the teaching staff.

The curriculum in the “School” includes the study of the following modules:

Module 1 — for teachers-in-training:

Module 2 — for the teachers of medical universities:

Module 3 — seminars, trainings and workshops:

Module 4 — program for advisors:

For all University employees involvement into the process of University perfection Academic Council has made a decision “About implementation of Kaizen strategy”. According to this program every University employee can offer the ways to make the University a better place and be awarded financially for this idea.

“Kaizen” program working group has reviewed 36 ideas, 6 of them were implemented successfully, 5 are ongoing.


KazNMU is the powerful scientific  educational complex, including 7 educational buildings, Centre of practical skills, Testing centre with 8 computer studies (102 computers, but 140 ones work during a session), a library (6 reading halls, book fund accounts 1065263 copies, electronic library, internet  study with 120 places). Besides the Republican scientific medical library and 2 anatomical museums function on the base of the university.

The program of information system development is now being implemented in the University. In 2011 University has purchased 1000 net books and distributed them to outstanding students free of charge.

Institute of dentistry, OCC, university clinic of inner diseases, SRI, SC of Republican importance, therapeutic  preventive institutions of Almaty and Kazakhstan oblast centers are the KazNMU clinical bases of therapeutic, surgical, pediatric and stomatological profile (76) bases in total) (According to Republic of Kazakhstan government decision dated March, 2, 2010, №157).

  • Republic scientific-practical center of psychiatry, mental therapy and addictology the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • B.U. Djarbusinov scientific center of urology, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Kazakh order “Honor sign” scientific-research center of eye diseases, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Scientific center of pediatrics and children surgery, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Kazakh scientific-research institute of Oncology and Radiology, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Scientific-research dermatovenerologic Institute, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Scientific-research Institute of Cardiology and Inner Diseases,  the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • A.N. Syzganov National science center of Cardiology,  the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Scientific center of maieutics, gynecology and perinatology, the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan

In 2010 the KazNMU to develop scientific activity opened SRI named after B.A. Atchabarov with clinico-experimental and scientific  educational laboratory (SEL).



University Administration closely cooperates with the bodies and organizations of Public health. Annually Rector with Pro-rectors hold out-door conferences with the heads of Almaty, Zhambyl, Kzyl-orda, South Kazakhstan, West Kazakhstan, North Kazakhstan, Atyrau, Mangistau, oblasts and Almaty public health departments on the problems of training interns, training and retraining and advanced studies of doctors, pharmaceutists, nurses. Besides pedagogical workers of medical education institutions study at the advanced medical courses on the base of the Centre of continuous education.

KazNMU has concluded agreements with the following organizations:

International organizations, where KazNMU is a participant and member are the followings:

Nowadays we have 58 agreements with international organizations.

Realization of Student exchange program is being implemented in frame of University’s cooperation with Kazakhstan and international partner-Universities. More than 50 students visited Ukraine, Japan, Italy, Turkey, China,  Uzbekistan pursuing academic goals.

Starting from June to December, 2011 around 94 specialists from foreign countries conducted workshops using the program “Foreign specialists’ invitation” (USA, Israel, Turkey, China, Hungary, South Korea, Germany, Russia, Belorussia, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Ukraine, Lithuania, Italy, Jordan, France, Singapore).

Practitioners and teachers of medical Universities are invited to participate in master-classes free of charge.

Annually in the first days of December the University holds international scientific and practical conference “University Days” which includes lections from scientists with a world name, faculty conferences, student events (debates, trainings, competitions and etc.)


More than 60 thousand specialists graduated from the University during 81 years. These specialists are now working not only in our country but also abroad.

At KazNMU education is provided according to licenses on all list of medical and pharmaceutical specialties of RK state classificator:

On 7 specialties of high professional education:





Oriental medicine (the last graduates in 2011)

medico-biological business (the last graduates  in 2011)

On 7 specialties of high special education (bachelor):

General medicine

Medico-prophylactic business

Public health,



Nursery business;


On 7 specialties of mastership:


Public Health;

Nursery business,


Medical prophylactic business,

Technology of pharmaceutical manufacturing (admission since 2011),

Hygiene and epidemiology (admission since 2011)

On 7 specialties of internship:

general practitioner,




obstetrics and gynaecology,

stomatologist of general practice;

—           on 31 specialties of residency;

—           on 3 specialties of PhD;

—           on 56 specialties of supplementary professional education.

More than 9200 undergraduate, 71 postgraduate students, 240 house physicians, 13 PhDs, 464 distance learners (39 nationalities) study at the University. Alongside with citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan foreign citizens from India, Japan, Afghanistan, Tadzhikistan, Belorussia, Kyrghyzstan, Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, China, Israel, Mongolia, Pakistan, South Korea, Moldova, Georgia, Palestine are taught.

KazNMU students

For the first time in the Republic of Kazakhstan the KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiarov developed competence focused model of medial pre-diploma education:

  • based on 5 competences, corresponding to the world requirements and needs of labor market (cognitive, operational, axiological, legal problems and self-education);
  • directed for training specialists, having complex of theoretical and practical skills with the  formed clinical thinking and scientific approach to solving arising questions.

We are now forming the process of a new University postgraduate educational model

The University’s PTS realizes great methodical work in the scale of the Republic. For the reported period the PTS of the University took part in the development of 10 standard programs of 20 ones on disciplines of 5 course according to SOSE  2006. Departments developed educational  methodic complexes of disciplines for the 5 year course students of all specialties on SOSE  2006 for 2001-2012 years, and the commission of the Republican Health Ministry gave the positive assessment.

The University passed State attestation in 2008 (order of Health Ministry of RK N 328 of 24.12.2008). In November 2008 the University applied for the National Accreditational Centre on passing institutional accreditation (N 2081-01-14, of 17.11.2008). According to the agreement N5 of 12.02.2010 the University completed procedure of self-assessment and writing an account, and now it is ready for passing institutional accreditation according to standard of NAC of RK Education and Science Ministry.

Centre of analysis, monitoring of quality education and scientific grounding medical education reforms was created in 2010. The main tasks of the centre are monitoring of quality education at the University, working-out strategy and recommendations on the development of medical education in Kazakhstan, working-out proposals for compiling SOSE of new generation.

The Centre organized teaching seminar “Teaching Excellence” for young teachers aimed at exchange of experience. The seminar was held within the frame of educational project which is sponsored by “The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs” of the American State department. The internet-conference in On-line regimen was held with the participation of Professor Uolter Klankloski from the University of South Caroline (the USA). More than 100 young teachers passed the training.

Our University and Moscow State Technical University named after Bauman have started the combined “pilot” project on distance studying on the course “Biomedical technique and technologies”(01.10-30.10.2010). 15 teachers of the University passed the training.

There were developed 2 sections of “University’s road map”, as: “Renewing and improving  educational programs”, “Increasing teachers’ potential of medical and pharmaceutical educational organizations” (17.03.2011).


One of the priorities in KazNMU named after SDAsfendiyarov is to develop practical skills and communicative competence ofuniversity graduates. For this purpose, the university has opened modern Center of Practical Skills (CPS).

The CPS consists of the following units:

  • Medical Simulation Center
  • OSCE Center (an independent assessment of the knowledge and skills)
  • Department of Instrumental and Functional Diagnosis
  • Emergency Medicine Center
  • Communication Skills Center
  • Pharmaceutical skills Center
  • Dental Skills Center

Medical Simulation Centre is equipped with a wide range of teaching aids — from of simple fantoms fortraining basic clinical skills to interactive programmable simulators for complex team simulations, such as the SimMan 3G.

Students’ clinical skills are assessed in the OSCE Center using standardized techniques and simulated patients. Examinable areas include initial interview with a patient, medical inspection, ability to make differential diagnosis and to choose the correct treatment tactics.American system of medical licensing examinations technology (USMLE, step 2 Clinical Skills) is adapted and used in OSCE Center. The Center has a system for recording simulations with subsequent analysis of actions of trainees (debriefing).

Computer rooms

Department of Instrumental Functional Diagnostics aims to teach students, interns and residents the methods of diagnosis of various diseases using modern diagnostic equipment. To practice diagnostic skills virtual methods are used as well as real diagnostic instruments — devices for electrocardiography,spirography and electroencephalography.

Emergency Medicine Center is designed for training skills in first aid and emergency not only for students, but for paramedics and civilians.

The main aim of pharmaceutical center of practical skills is to form practical competences of a graduate-pharmacist of KazNMU. There competences are being farmed on different levels of education from the first year till the end of educational process.

The of Pharmacy practical skills center mission of the Centre — is material — technical support for development and training skills of the future professionals. In line with the goals and objectives Center offers a variety of practical skills in the complexity of equipment and instruments pharmaceutical  industry from simple to high tech.

In turn, in the center of practical skills in order to ensure the quality of the learning process methodic is carried out and is system engineering — maintenance introduced  (ITO), which provides uninterrupted operation of machinery and equipment classes DAPC.

Center of practical skills in dentistry is designed to implement a new model of competence-oriented approach to KazNMU education.  The purpose of the Center of practical skills in dentistry is continuous updating and implementation of new training and thematic learning plans of school using innovative educational techniques, forms and methods of teaching students.

Training for doctors of all specialties and covering all the levels from student to medical practitioners is held in the Center of communicational skills (CCS).  Teaching is in 3 languages – Kazakh, Russian, English. Center of communicational skills works with leading specialists. It is equipped with training rooms, modern equipment for interactive learning. The theoretical basis is associated with clinical activity

CPS has a conference hall for 60 seats with modern projection device, two screens and Internet access for video conferencing.

CPS has a development concept for 2012-2014 according to which it is planned to gradually increase the range of teaching practical skills from basic to highly specialized, from individual to team-based simulations. It will be done on basis of constant improvement of material equipment including modern simulators and diagnostic apparatus with the future transformation of CPSinto a regional methodical center on training practical, communicative skills.

School of Public Health named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov has been established by the University Rector order in accordance with the decision of the Academic Council (Protocol № 2 dated October 27, 2009). The school is a part of the scientific and practical educational base of KazNMU.

Purpose: Training a new generation of public health through the integration of scientific disciplines, educational programs and practical skills, related disciplines in the field of public policy and health promotion

Structure of the Public Health School named after Khalel Dosmukhamedov:

  1. Department «Management and marketing in health care and pharmacy with the basics of  law»,  «Economics in Healthcare»,  «Health Policy and Management»
  2. Center for Evidence-Based Medicine
  3. Research Center
  4. Youth Health Centre
  5. Club «Health Advocate»

The annual International Winter and Summer schools for undergraduate, postgraduate and PhD students, training health care providers the principals of management, Education PPP on the introduction of new teaching methods, training the teachers some aspects of evidence-based medicine

Centre of evidential medicine carries out its activity in accordance with the main international requirements of the evidential medicine and qualitative clinical practice. Its aim is implementation of principles and methodology of evidential medicine into the educational process, public health organizations’ activity and system of public health in general.

Postgraduate education institute was opened by University Rector order according to the disicion of Academic Council. On the base of postgraduate education institute of KazNMU training and retraining medical workers and professorial  teaching staff is carried out. Fulfillment of state program on increasing qualification of medical organizations’ workers is realized according to the agreement with the Ministry of Health Care of RK (order of Ministry of Health Care of RK NN 310, 554), and on commercial base. According to republic budget program 014 “advanced training and capacity building development within governmental body of healthcare” 1777 people attended the course. Governmental purchase has successfully been implemented with 100% result — 132 022 651,00tg. According to the theme “Creation of first sanitary medical help centers for population” 707 people from 4 regions of Kazakhstan: Almaty city, Almaty region, southern Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda region  have attended the course. The total sum for this course reached 116 465 726,00tg. The total sum for paid educational services to the specialists of practical health care came to 82 902 434, 00tg.

For carrying out “Asian games” during the period from 10.01  22.01.2011 on the base of the Centre of CCE on rendering urgent medical aid the doctors and staff of middle range of urgent medical aid passed training free of charge (111 persons).

On the cycle of “Management”chief doctors of hospitals, deputy chief doctors, economists and chief book-keepers were taught.

On the cycle of “General practitioner” 74 doctors from Almaty and Zhambyl oblasts passed the additional training and increasing of qualification on special purpose transferts.

«Life sciences» Department is created and operated for the purpose of coordination and integration of interdisciplinary teaching and research on the problem of healthy and sick organisms, within the basic biomedical sciences the students here are involved into the formation of the doctors’ professional competence fundamentals.

This mission is realized in the following major areas of the Department:

1. Education: further implementation of ECTS in the departments of basic disciplines (focused on student credit-modular system).

2. Scientific: issues of life quality and longevity, translational medicine and global health.

3. Professional: development of professional, scientific, educational and personal competencies of teachers.


1.         Further systematic improvement of educational programs

2.         Ensuring academic mobility of students and faculty;

3.         coordination of research activities within their own department and integrated (multidisciplinary) scientific issues;

4.         learning through scientific research;

5.         systematic improvement of the pedagogical and professional skills of the faculty departments

The list of members of «Life sciences» Department:

1.         Department of Molecular Biology

2.         Department of Physiology Course valeology

3.         Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology

4.         Department of Biochemistry

5.         Department of Pathological Physiology

6.         Department of General Immunology

The main idea of establishing a morphology center in KazNMU is to consolidate and deepen the most relevant research on the morphological departments, access the international arena, publishing in journals with impact factor and use the results obtained in the educational process.

In this regard, the main tasks of KazNMU morphology center are:

1.         Further in-depth study of the macroscopic structure of the whole organism

2.         Detection of microscopic, and ultramicroscopic immunomorfologic  organization structure of tissues and cells of the human body in health and disease;

3.         Elucidation of the mechanisms of tissue homeostasis and its regulation (nervous, endocrine, immune);

4.         The study of patterns of responses of cells, tissues, organs and body as a whole to change environmental factors;

5.         Further development of physiological problems and the reparative tissue regeneration, tissue and organ regeneration organotypic;

6.         The study of the mechanisms of cell determination and differentiation, histogenetic aspects of malignant transformation of cells and tissues, the cellular mechanisms general pathologic reactions;

7.         Investigation of age-related changes of cells, tissues and organs;

8.         The study of patterns of human embryogenesis and prenatal pathology;

9.         The study of the material, the structural basis of the disease, its morphological nature in all phases of development.

10.       The full and effective use of the KazNMU Anatomy Museum scientific and educational processes, combining drugs norm and pathology.

The list of departments, members of the Department, «Morphology»:

1.         Department of Normal Anatomy (Dosaev T.M.)

2.         Department of Pathology with the course of forensic medicine (Ismailova Yu.S.)

3.         Department of Histology (Yui R.I.)

4.         Department of Clinical Anatomy and Operative Surgery (Idrisov A.A.)

“School of Vaccinology” has been created by the decision of Academic Council, S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University, at the Department of Epidemiology and actively cooperates with the RPC (Research and Production Center) and monitoring of sanitary-epidemiological inspection Board of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (BSSES), Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

School of Vaccinology is an educational center that provides new interactive forms of learning, designed to define new approaches to medical training in the field of infectious disease vaccine. Laying the foundations of the concept of continuing medical education in accordance with the best foreign samples and assist in improving people’s access to specific quality prevention of infection disease and maintain health.

Goal: to improve  the professional knowledge and practical skills of students, undergraduates, doctoral students of KazNMU and other senior medical schools, practicing physicians Departments of Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance, professional specialists of primary health care, treatment and prevention organization (pediatricians, internists, obstetricians and gynecologists, dental hygienists, epidemiologists, hospital epidemiologists, nurses) on the immunization and improving research in this area.

Objectives:  Conduct training cycles and improve the various modules of precinct problems vaccination for physicians, pediatricians, clinical allergy, clinical immunology, obstetricians maternity, antenatal clinics, surgical trauma items, nurses offices immunization, hospital epidemiologists, health care facilities, epidemiologists and managers with State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance (SSES) issuance of certificates of the state sample, as well as for advanced students, secondary faculty and higher medical schools of Kazakhstani Ministry of Health on vaccination.

School currently holds scientific and technical project on “Educational and Informational Training of health workers and the public, the assessment of immunological effectiveness of vaccination against human papillomavirus infection”.


  • A practical guide “standard definitions and algorithms for the activities of infectious and parasitic diseases” – in Kazakh
  • Training manual for publication “Infections warn the immune system” – in Kazakh
  • Created a popular scientific film – “Preventing cervical cancer in women by immunization” (15 min) – in Russian and Kazakh
  • Variety of printed leaflets, brochures on immunization issues
  • Educational and methodical complex of discipline (EMCD) in vaccinology was developed by international requirements

The activities of the «School of vaccinology,» increases the number of trained medical personnel for immunization, increasing their educational and informational training, the level of sound awareness of the need for vaccination to protect against infectious diseases, lowers antivaccinology sentiment among the population, which ultimately leads to a reduction in the frequency of the most frequent and socially significant diseases, improving the index of children’s health, reduce mortality and disability, improve the quality of the gene pool, the quality of life.


In October 2010 scientific research Institute of fundamental and applied medicine named after B. Atchabarov with clinical  experimental and scientific-educational laboratories was created for raising scientific research’s level at the University.

Science activity accreditation from the Ministry of Education and Science was received in August, 2011.

University employees actively participate in realization of 3 scientific projects financed by National innovative fund.  7 scientific and technical projects for a total sum of 70 million tenge on the program «Target development of the university science focused on innovative result» financed by MES RK have been won. 4 STP  financed by MH РК are being carried out.  Multi-central scientific investigations on priority directions (STP «Mars-500,» Working out of anti-ageing model in providing active longevity of elderly persons») have been developed. To activate scientific activity in SRIFAM named after B.A.Atchabarov 258 workers of the professorial teaching staff have been involved.They participated  in 13  temporarily scientific groups (volume of financing is more than 20 million tenge). For the  reported year within the frame of the 80th  anniversary of the university over 60 scientific-practical conferences, training seminars were carried out to the persons, responsible for the scientific work at the departments. 6 patents were received by the University in 2011. The workers of the university have published 26 monographies on priority directions of public health, 27-textbooks and educational supplies, 27-scientific-methodical supplies, 1389 articles  (16 collections),  88 ones in the CIS countries, 115 ones in far abroad  countries, 14 printing works in the international reviewed magazines. At scientific research institute of FAM named after B.A.Atshabarov the fund rising department which helps professorial teaching staff in searching international grants,  in accessing to foreign resources of the scientific and technical information has been established, and issue of bulletins with indicating sites is realized. Annually for raising an interest in scientists and researchers of Kazakhstan  to the development of a world medical science the «Days of University» are held. Famous scientists from all over the world  participate in this event.

«Human Health Risk Assessment Laboratory»,

Department of the General Hygiene and Ecology

“Human health risk assessment laboratory” was created according to organizational structure of the Department of General Hygiene and Ecology. The primary activity purpose is: assessment of risk for the human health from chemicals influence (air environment — atmospheric air, water, water objects, soil, foodstuffs, dwellings and public building, planning and building) and including other factors of influence.

The basic functions of  Laboratory activity is implementation of research work  by the orders of state power bodies, including bodies of state sanitary-epidemiological supervision, industrial enterprises and project organizations, individual businessmen, legal organs and natural persons.

«Human health risk assessment laboratory» has conducted following activities:

  • conducted the international educational seminar  «Human Problems of  Ecology, Environmental Hygiene and Risk Assessment to the Human Health», where scientific hygienists of Russian Federation were attracted
  • implemented the order of  LLC «Karachaganak Petroleum Operating B.V.» (КPО B.V.)  jointly with LLC «Kazakhstan Agency of Applied Ecology»(КАAE) : the «Calculation sanitary-hygienic zone of Karachaganak Oil and Gas Condensate Field», that is ratified by the Main state health-officer of  RK Bekshin Z.M.
  • within the framework of МES of  RK Program realization «020 Preparation of Specialists with   Higher and postgraduate Education and Providing Social Help to Students» Master-classes were conducted with bringing in specialists of international rate.

The main trajectory of Laboratory Development are:

  • implement  Risk Assessment and Risk Management courses in the educational process of  RK
  • High Medical Institutions;
  • training and retraining of sanitary corps specialists of  RK;
  • conduct pilot projects in the most densely populated cities like Almaty, Astana and others as these are the most subject to contamination of environment.


RESCC “Stomatology and maxilla- facial surgery”, OCC, university clinic of inner diseases, 9 SRI, SC of Republican importance, therapeutic  preventive institutions of Almaty and Kazakhstan oblast centers are the KazNMU clinical bases of therapeutic, surgical, pediatric and stomatological profile (76) bases in total) (According to Republic of Kazakhstan government decision dated March, 2, 2010, №157).

Indices of theraputic consultive activity of KazNMU

Professorial teaching staff of the university takes an active part in carrying out «Open days» for veterans of the war and labour  on the base of a polyclinic for the participants  of the Second World War and «Open days» for children.

Out-door conferences were dedicated to the 80th  anniversary of the University in 7 oblasts. Leading specialists of  the University held 31 master classes on various pathologies, examined 800 patients, performed operations, delivered lectures for medical workers.

At the university since June, 2008 the program «Health of KazNMU students» is being fulfilled. According to this program the studying of students’ health is carried on in complex, the consultive part is carried out by the professprial teaching staff  of the university on the base of the Doctors  out-patient clinic, laboratorial — apparatus studies are performed at the Educational Clinical Centre. Since 2011-12 the program «KazNMU PTS’s health» is introduced. The purpose of this program is to preserve  and restore  the students’ and PTS’s health.

Internal medicine clinic leading clinic in kazakhstan in the field of internal diseases: hepatology, rheumatology, endocrinology

The clinic provides high-quality contemporary medical care with the latest technology in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organsThe clinic is equipped with modern medical equipment of world manufacturers and offers a wide range of services.The clinic offers therapeutic and advisory services of leading rheumatologists of Kazakhstan. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the joints and spine, diffuse connective tissue diseases are being taken care of in the rheumatology department, which also defines the level of bone mineral density (densitometry). The latest advances of medicine are used in the treatment of rheumatic patients, including genetic engineering therapy.

In the department of endocrinology consultancies are being given on early diagnosis and hospital treatment of endocrine diseases to new technologies: tsitoki diagnostics and tsitokino therapy complications of diabetes, thyroid disease, the treatment of erectile dysfunction in endocrine disorders, infertility treatment of women and men Azoospermia

In the department of gastroenterology and hepatology there are integrated survey programs, including a special program of diagnosis of hepatitis and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. A wide range of laboratory tests, ultrasound, gastroscopy, Colonofiberscopy, fibroscanning, if necessary — a liver biopsy, cholangiography.

Educational clinic center is a multi-field clinic which gives highly specialized medical assistance. The Center also plays a crucial role while leading scientific research, training future doctors and giving advanced training to practicing specialists. Center main activities directions are otorhinolaryngology, including otorhinosurgery, ophthalmology, arythmology, cardiology. The rooms of outpatient surgery, obstetrician-gynecologist, ophthalmologist, otorhinolaryngologyst, neuropathist and urologist are also working there. Gynaecological oncologist, breast physician, allergologist these rare specialists are also consulting clients of the Center.

Diagnostic process, treating and consultant assistance are being given in tune with international standards and contemporary technologies, thanks to implementation of which it is possible to have some very informative diagnostic research.

Dentistry Institute was created by KazNMU Rector order, based on the decision of University Academic Council.

The institute was found in order to meet society needs for skilled workers with higher education and scientific-pedagogical personnel of higher qualification in the field of dentistry, dental science development, the formation of high-quality training that meets international standards, creating a flexible and efficient system for providing education, consulting and other services for interested businesses and individuals in the field of dentistry, the development of international and interregional cooperation in education, applied and basic research in the field of dentistry.

The main institute activities are the implementation of educational programs of higher education, as well as educational programs, postgraduate education in the field “Dentistry” and “Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery”, the implementation of training, retraining and skills development in the area of dental practice, cooperation of foreign universities leading training in areas of training (specialization) of institute, conducing basic and applied research in the field of dentistry and applied surgery, increasing the real value and image of the Institute and University in the social and cultural environment of the region by conducting educational, scientific methods, advertising, volunteering, teaching and research students of the Instititute.

Dentistry Institute is the part of the University, carrying out educational, scientific, methodical, administrative and socio-cultural activities.

9 models of Dentistry Institute structure:

  • Propaedeutics Dentistry module
  • Propaedeutics of Dental Surgery module
  • Propaedeutics Prosthodontics module
  • Propaedeutics Dentistry Childhood module
  • Dentistry module
  • Dental Surgery module
  • Module of Prosthodontics
  • Pediatric Dentistry module
  • Orthodontic module

Management team of Dentistry Institute faculty performed four research themes for the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

  1. Innovative methods of diagnosis and treatment of various orthopedic defects of dentition;
  2. Clinical and laboratory study of herbal medicines in the treatment and prevention of periodontal disease and oral mucosa;
  3. Cellular technology in dental implantation;
  4. Development of an anti-aging model active in ensuring longevity of elderly people in Kazakhstan.


On November 21, 2008S.D.Asfendiyarov KazNMU  Student Government was formed. “Top-100” Student society was formed and its Society article was developed and approved. Best students of Top-100 take active part as trainers of International Winter school “Modern problems of Public Health” from January, 2010.

Student organizations, working in our University: “University student government”, “Youth committee”, “Student construction troop”, “Sketch club”, “Debate club”. Sport sections are also functioning in the University: martial arts, greco-roman wrestling, boxing, mini-football, volleyball, table tennis, chess, checks, togyz kumalak and others. Art sections are organized to develop talents: folk instruments orchestra, choir, vocal-instrumental band, dance group and so on. Student professional committee along with ombudsman are always there to guard the student rights and interests.

Social educational work in KazNMU is carried on in accordance with the Conception and stage organization of educational work with students:

•           I and II course participation in social useful labour:

— during a year -1742 students of 2nd course all faculties participated in social useful labor for the University welfare. Monthly every student worked for 2 hours in a library, book depository, in equipping with services and cleaning the territory of hostels, and cleaned lecture auditoriums.

•           III and IV course carrying on action “Miloserdiye” (“Charity”):

-students of 3-4th course were actively enlisted in the work on care and nursing patients at hospis, hospitals of nurse care, house of veterans.

•           V and VI course-participation in activities on prophylaxis of diseases:

—           For developing  professional competence from 17-20th of March, 2011 830 students of the 6th course and 768 students of the 5th course of therapeutic, pediatric, stomatological and medico-prophylactic faculties were enlisted for holding sanitary-enlightment works on prevention of tuberculosis, drug addiction and alcoholism among students of high schools and colleges of Almaty. Prophylactic lectures were delivered in KazNTU named after K.Satbaev, KazNAU,KazNPU named after Abai, KazWPU, Zh.Aubakirova’s musical school, schools №8, 15, 16, 18, 24, 25, 34, 36, 39, 46, 54, 58, 62, 67, 75, 79, 90, 95, 96, 120, 124, 128, 134, 135, 136, 144, 147

167, music schools №3,10,private school “Arman” , schools №1,6,sport schools №1,2,4,5, Jewish school “Or-ovner”, “Blue sail” school-complex, school “UNESCO Dostar”, specialized school  for gifted in sport children.

•           Students’ building team “Atlant” consisting of 50 persons actively participated in building repair works of the University.

•           According to letter of Health Care Ministry №07-2-2365/4 of 05.04.2011 within the frame of holding World Day of Heath on April 7th there was held “Day of Donor” and  about 1000 students gave their blood. On the square of rectorate the students held flashmob, sports games, demonstrative morning exercises.

•           Within the frame of anti-corruption action “Say NO to corruption” a contest of posters and essays was held.

•           Students with their exhibition participated in the republic conference dedicated to patriotic education of students in Karaganda.

•    Under the guidance of ME and S, students Alliance of Kazakhstan there was organized and held Republician students’  forum “Problems of efficacy of students self-governing institute”.

Information about forum was placed on the informational portal of KazMNU.

•    150 students of the University took part in relay- race of torch handing of Asian games.

•           70 students of the University worked as voluntary at headquarters of Asian games.

•           3 students participated in city qualifying round of VII Delfi’s games, a student of 2nd  course of stomatological faculty, Mesov Olzhas took the 1st place and passed to republician round and took the 2nd place in nomination “Academic singing”.

•          Debate club of KazNMU took part in the international debate round “ENU CUP” (Astana. ENU named after L.N.Gumilev) and took the 2nd place.

•          On December 2010 there was held the 1st Congress of KazNMU graduates and there were founded the Assosiations of KazNMU graduates in all oblasts.

At present the University realizes 18 social programs of 28 millions tenge sum.



KazNMU Press is a part of the University. It provides informational support to the university system of education, science and health.

KazNMU Press includes:

  • KazNMU Web-site — www.kaznmu.kz  Nowadays, KazNMU website consists of 13 independent websites administered by the KazNMU

Since the beginning of the academic year KazNMU website  was visited by 122,473 people from 116 countries around the world. The number of page views during this period is 438,681.

  • Monthly university newspaper «Shipager». The newspaper is published once per month in 1000 copies, and it’s internet version is posted on informational servers of KazNMU.
  • Quarterly university journal «KazNMU Vestnik». «KazNMU Vestnik» is recommended by the Committee on Oversight and certification in Education and Science of RK for publication of the results of dissertation research. It appears quarterly.

The journal includes 18 article categories dedicated to various directions of medicine.

  • Printing services

KazNMU Press aims to improve the image of the University indicators, increasing publicity and prestige of the University for scientific, educational and medical communities, further development of the brand among consumers, educational, scientific and medical services.



University budget is formed from several sources:

  • Republic budget (State procurement for capacity building of University and postgraduate education, qualification increase of mediacl employees, development of scientific research, aim transfers);
  • Local budget;
  • Rendering of educational and other services on a paid basis

In 2010 year  the  combined budget of the university accounted 5.1 billion tenge and in 2011 accounted . 8.6 billion tenge. In dynamics  the indices of the budget demonstrates  a stable growth: in 2008 it was 3,4 billion, in 2009-4,4 billion tenge.

Dynamic growth of the average cost of educational grants in the sphere of educational work is the following: in 2007-2008 ac.y.-261,6, in the 2008-2009 ac.y.-318,0, in 2009-2010  ac.y.  505,1, 2010-2011  ac.y.  569,0 thousands tenge.

It is necessary to note the growth of services income on commercial base.  According to the result of the educational  clinical centre  activity results in the increase from 30880,2 thousand tenge in 2008y. to 34658,3 thousand tenge in 2009y. to 77731,7 thousand tenge in 2010y.,  stomatological services- from 9401,6 thousand tenge in 2008y.to 28214,6 thousand tenge in 2009, to 32994,3 thousand tenge in 2010y., improving qualification and requalification of medical staff from 11201,0  thousand tenge in 2008. to 73241,4 thousand tenge in 2009 to 86305,9 thousand tenge in 2010.

The university expended 89955 thousand tenge for health improving measures of PTS, 134017 thousand tenge for awarding prizes and material help.

According to the orders  № 625 of 25.10.10 and №165 of 01.04.11 the students were given the following social supports as: 10581 thousand tenge study discount to 86 students, 40309,6  thousand tenge for students’ feeding,  2262  thousand tenge for 81 students residing in the hostels free of charge.

20,3 billion tenge were shared out due to the  internal grant for funding scientific programs.

242018 thousand tenge were spent for buying materials,  102072thousand tenge-for renewing the library fund.

The university concluded agreements with TPI  of Almaty city, Almaty,  Kyzyl-orda,  South Kazakhstan  oblasts  for training specialists of  primary medico-sanitarian aid and also  1082 specialists were trained. 95086929,00 tenge were shared for this purpose.

More than 155 million tenge  were spent for training 3000 doctors and PTS  in 2010 and 2268 doctors- for  8 months of 2011 year.

For holding “Asian” games from 10.01-22.01. 2011 doctors and nurses of Almaty urgent medical aid passed studies on rendering the first medical aid on the base of CCE (111 persons).

783 chief doctors of  hospitals, deputy  chief doctors, economists, chief accountants were taught on “Management” cycle.

74 doctors from Almaty and Zhambyl oblasts were retrained and improved their qualification by special purpose transferts on “General practicioner”.




There is a Comission on disciplinary and corruption violations prevention in KazNMU named after S.D. Asfendiarov (further-Commission) and Regulation for Commission was worked out and confirmed.

The Commission activity is concentrated on providing an effective management of the staff attitude, dealing with the socio-cultural conflict situations, complaints on the work of the staff from the students, public health bodies, subdivisions of high school and other faults, also infringements.

Constantly working phones as Confidence, official phones and e-mail address  of the rector, pro-rector, heads of departments, offices, faculty deans, educational department directors, heads of  the chairs are defined. In study buildings and faculties there are postboxes for corruption information, complaints, suggestions and wishes on improving organization work of the university. Students get acquainted with the Regulations of our university, orders, regulations and other normative legal documents, regulating the activity of the university and organizing educational teaching process. Problems on corruption faults eradicating are discussed at dean offices meetings.

During the 2010-2011 academic year series of problems from students, students parents and workers of the university were inspected by the Commission.

There were  20 problems in total, of them 18  work discipline disorders, 2  on corruption faults.

According to the Commissions decision there were annulled work contracts with 6 workers and there were announced “Reproved” to 7 workers, “Reprimand” to 5 ones, “Strict reprimand” to one.

  • On realization of the main ethics principles and moral values of the university there were developed the teachers’ and students’ Code of Honour. 10 meetings were held according to complaints on persons who break and don’t follow Code of Honour.
  • Together with the financial police of the city and regional akim office a round table on struggling with corruption faults among students was held.
  • Initiative group “Anticorr” which works on active propaganda and improving legal culture among workers was founded.
  • Problems on legal culture and corruption faults were introduced into the program of discipline “Basies of  Law”.Themes of SIW by using illustrative materials about corruption were widened.
  • 7 articles were published in the university newspaper “Shipager” in a new column “Barrier to corruption”.
  • An active anticorruption work is carried on by conducting thematic conferences, debates, round tables: “Ethics and deontology”, “Health advocate”, “Patients’ rights”, “No to corruptions!”.
  • A conference between faculties on materials of the students’ questionairing with presentation of documentary materials on corrupted high schools of our republic was held.
  • The university cooperates actively with non governmental public organizations on legal culture and legal education problems.


Development of management activities. 

Aim  creation of up date innovative focused model of medical high school competitive at inner and outer educational services market through continuous training and retraining staff potential and developing human resources of international level.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Modernization of the university organization structure in accordance with the aims and tasks of innovative  focused university.
  • Improvement of high school managing, transition to corporative managing (Guardian Council, Ethics Committee, Monitoring Council).
  • Formation and entrance to the high school Consortium, organizations of practical public health and science, medical enterprises.
  • Realization of the systemic approach in quality managing: coordination of the subdivisions work through the Council on quality.
  • Integration of post diploma training structures into the Institute of post diploma education on the base of CCE Centre.
  • Development of  the three unity (education, science, practice) system in medical education, strengthening the role of researches at national and international levels.
  • Improvement of educational process managing forms:

Development of educational departments, Committees of educational programs, Centre of analysis, monitoring of educational quality and scientific grounding medical education reform for improving on medical education by  realizing competence focused educational principles;

  • improvement of structural Subdivision interaction, taking part in educational process (matrix management);
  • development of public health school;
  • office-registrar service improvement
  • providing of automatic informational systemic management functioning with electronic documents turning;
  • Stage implementation of financial management elements. Diversification of services, distribution of temporary vacant means at financial market with the aim of additional income getting. Automatization of financial accounts.
  • Active teaching psychological pedagogical and managing skills to personnel and administrative reserve. Revealing of personnel needs in training, organization of training courses on improvement of teachers pedagogical skills.
  • Improvement of informative technical high school providing
  • Services outsourcing
  • Creation of positive KazNMU image by widely informing about KazNMU activity in mass media civil and public organizations, PR-companies for promoting scientific  educational activity, therapeutic, diagnostic and laboratorial services of KazNMU.


Development of educational activity

Aim:  Providing educational process integration with modern achievements of science and practice for training competitive specialists with high and post-graduate education, required at international labor market.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years.

  • Improvement of KazNMU new model of educational programs, by realization of competence focused teaching principles.
  • Realizations of students knowledge independent assessment principles on the base of practical skills Centre.
  • Converting KazNMU educational programs with foreign countries high schools educational programs.
  • Development of students and teachers academic mobility.
  • Intensification of three  languages studying program in the University.
  • Interaction of studying process, science and practice:
  • Development and implementation of scientific methodology and  evidential medicine  principles into the educational process;
  • Implementation of block  module educational programs, including up date achievements of science and practice;
  • Improvement of scientific research work of students, interns, residents, masters, PhD in the frame of educational process.
  • Creation of methodic base for forming knowledge and practical skills in students.

(Centre of monitoring and educational quality analysis and scientific grounding medical educational reforms. Centre of Bologna process, Centre of distance training).


Development of scientific  research activity

Aim: Improvement of scientific  research potential of KazNMU by training of competitive scientific personnel, including the additional financing on carrying out scientific research work and consolidation of material  technical base, integration into the international scientific community.

Tasks for 2012-2015  years :

  • Increasing effectiveness of applied researches through the development of state-private partnership with joint- stock company “Kazakh Academy of Nutrition” including ;
  •  scientific grounding technologies of providing food producing safety,
  • carrying on prophylactic medical examination among school children,
  • monitoring of providing qualitative, vitamin rich and safe nutrition at schools.
  • Development of co-operation with “Nazarbayev’s University” and other leading scientific organizations of the near and far abroad foreign countries in carrying out multi-disciplinary, multi-central scientific research works.
  • Formation of scientific-educational-practical consortiums uniting medical organizations of science, education, clinic and practical business.
  • Creation and development of innovative infrastructure (sector of innovations, section on manufacturing medicinal preparations, nursery of medicinal plants, educational-industrial chemist’s).
  • Increase of financing volume for scientific research works (republican and local budget, international and state grants and resources of the university).
  • Scientific researches on a commercial base
  • Increase of productivity (competitive new medical technologies) and efficacy  (publications) of scientific research works, integration and introduction of the university results of scientific activity into the educational process and practical public health.
  • Participation of professorial teaching staff in innovative ecological projects on the base of ecological monitoring laboratory.
  • Active participation of professorial teaching staff, PhD, masters, residents, students in the scientific activity.
  • development and realization of scientific  technical projects
  • publishing activity including publications in international peer-reviewed issues.
  • high index of quoting research works
  • teaching management and standards of scientific investigations
  • participation in international scientific-practical conferences, congresses and forums.
  • carrying on scientific probations the leading Universities of the world.


Development of therapeutic  consultative activity

Aim: creating optimal conditions for training competitive specialists using progressive forms and methods of teaching, up date achievements of medical science and practical public health, developing and introducing new methods of diagnostics and treatment for diseases; rendering highly specialized medical aid to the population.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years

  • Creation of innovative pattern of the university clinic, integrating into the educational-clinical and scientific process.
  • Development of new up-date directions of  clinical activity, introduction of effective methods of prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment, rehabilitation of patients in the field of hepatology, psychotherapy, otomicrosurgery, telemedicine
  • Building the university clinic
  • Participation of professorial teaching staff in expert evaluation of difficult clinical cases.
  • Participation in rendering guaranteed free medical aid
  • Creation of unconventional medicine Centre


Development of staff

Aim — increasing competitiveness of the University through the development of potential of  personnel in the unity of  its professional and personal qualities  by introducing system of continuous training and retraining staff  for international level.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Organization of teaching the basic knowledge at the university level to professorial-teaching and administrative-managing staff.
  • Formation of personnel and managing reserve, its training at republic and international level.
  • Development of measuring results of personnel development criteria for their assessment.
  • Continuous teaching and reteaching university PTS on short-term qualification improving programs  on the base of the school of teachers named after Nassybullina.
  • Kaizen continuous improvement strategy implementation in student sphere.


Development of social-educational activity.

Aim: educating citizens, residing in a legal  State, who must possess definite knowledge (legal, political, economic and others), skills of critical thinking, analysing, collaborating and other valuable orientations  as respect to human rights, ability to compromise, dignity, civil consciousness and others, and also who wish to participate  in public useful activities and who has habits of healthy mode of life.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Active  role of students self-managing, delegating administrative functions and powers; students’ Government, Committee on youth affairs, Fund of students material support “Demeu”,
  • Debate club, Intellectual club, Info-Media-Centre, Students squad, Builders team  “Erikti zhastar toby”.
  • Searching new forms and directions of activity for growing, functioning and developing educational and social work system in up date conditions, using traditions and positive experience, accumulated by KazNMU staff for forming positive image of the university and corporative spirit among students and PTS.
  • Forming students’ volunteer movement- involving no more than 1% of students and 0,1% of PTS.
  • Purposeful moral-spiritual, legal, physical, cultural-mass and creative education of students and PTS — forming a completely developed  citizen and a patriot of the country.
  • Extending of informative activity of  KazNMU on social-educational development problems (site, mass media).
  • Developing of  social-partnership principles, forming and developing students’ volunteer movement, social defense of  PTS, orphans, invalids, not socially protected students and PTS,   students and PTS  from ecological disaster zones.


Development of international cooperation

Aim: university integration into the world scientific educational community.

Tasks for 2012-2015 years:

  • Development of strategic partnership of university with leading educational and scientific-innovative centres of  far abroad countries on problems of developing education and science.
  • Internationalization of education due to inviting visiting professors from the world leading universities to take part in the educational process.
  • Development of the combined educational programs with the foreign partners.
  • Development of the combined special purpose  programs for improving qualification of workers  and PTS (at first on necessary specialties).
  • Collaboration with international organizations, funds, associations, involvement of international grants.
  • Participation in international educational programs as Tempus, Erasmus Mundus, Fulbright and others.
  • Participation in international scientific projects.
  • Increase of scientific-practical journal “KazNMU Vestnik” quoting index by participating authoritative foreign scientists in editorial group colleagues, publications of far abroad countries scientists, including the journal in the issues electronic data base.
  • Participation in international conferences, exhibitions, contests.